Rice Challenge Initiative workshop
24-26 June 2009
Contact: Marie Noelle Ndjiondjop
Day One Projects overview
Challenge Initiative |
Nigeria |
Burkina Faso |
Day Two |
Mali |
Day Three |
Rice Challenge Initiative Launch Meeting
Montpellier, France
13-15 April 2010
- Agenda
- List of participants
- Photos
1. Welcome from GCP (G McLaren)
Session 1: Overview and Project Management
2. Objectives of the meeting (MN Ndjiondjop)
3. Project Outline (N Ahmadi)
4. Project Management (MN Ndjiondjop)
Session 2: Review of Work Package 1 (TPE, ideotypes)
5. Rice Challenge Initiative: Work Package 1 (P Kiepe)
6. Specifics of Work Package 1: Proposed activities for Modelling and Ideotype Development (M Dingkuhn)
Session 3: Review of Work Package 2 (Phenotyping)
7. General concept of drought tolerance testing in maize (H Campos) - presentation not shareable
8. Drought-resistant rice for Africa Challenge Initiative (A Audebert)
9. Overview of phenotyping activities (K Futakuchi)
10. Phenotyping for yield potential and drought tolerance (M Sie)
Session 4: Review of Work Package 3 (MARS)
11. Marker-Assisted Recurrent Selection (X Delannay)
12. Germplasm/Population development/Germplasm logistic (MN Ndjiondjop)
Session 5: Review of Work Package 5 (Information management)
13. Data Management Strategy (I Dieng)
Session 6: Review of Work Package 4 (Capacity building)
14. Overview of work package 4 (A Efisue)
Session 7 Product delivery
15. Product Delivery Planning (L Butler)
Rice - Capacity Building
Human resource development
Three PhD students (one each from Burkina Faso, Mali and Nigeria) will be supported by the project.
Two other students – from Burkina Faso (Mr Kam Honore) and from Nigeria (Miss Uzoma Chizoba) – have received grants from GCP for their training. Kam Honore was already engaged in PhD study at University of KwaZulu Natal when he received a six-month fellowship from GCP to perform one aspect of his PhD research project related to the characterisation of the Burkina Faso rice collection using microsatellite markers. It is anticipated that he will be recruited by as a rice scientist in his country when his PhD research is completed. Uzoma Chizoba received a scholarship from GCP to enroll for a 5-year PhD in rice breeding at the West Africa Centre for Crop Improvement (WACCI). After her coursework in Ghana, she will carry out a three-year research project on rice with the rice Research Initiative. She will contribute to the breeding programme of the National Cereals Research Institute (NCRI) in Nigeria
In addition to this individual support, group training will be conducted by AfricaRice through the Integrated Breeding Platform.
Phenotyping: Facilities for yield and yield components will be developed in each target country (Burkina Faso, Mali, Nigeria), and at the AfricaRice research station near Cotonou. Facility for secondary traits and new tools and methods for drought tolerance will be first developed at AfricaRice; development in the three partner countries will be considered during the mid-term review of the project, on the basis of the preliminary evaluation of the outcome of the facility at AfricaRice, of the methodological adjustments needed, and of the ability of the country partners to sustainably run this considerably complex facility.
Rice InfoCentre
Publications, products, videos, blogposts ...
- Annual reports: 2013 – read online |
2013 – download PDF (555.56 kB) | 2012 – read online |
2012 – download PDF (309.44 kB) | previous years
- Open-access book chapter in e-book format: 2012 edition | 2011 edition
- View the products we have for rice
- Our rice work on multimedia: Videos (including BBC) | Blogposts | Slides | Podcasts | Press release (improving phosphorus uptake)
In these two podcasts, Matthias Wissuwa (now with JIRCAS) talks about the multi-partner research in phosphorus uptake for rice (Pup1 project) from its roots, to the present and the future.
2010 – Project launch | 2009 – Preparations for project launch
Via our Integrated Breeding Platform (IBP)...
- Rice facts and figures (IBP website)
- Join the rice research community of practice (IBP website)
- Rice information and genomics (IBP website)
Rice - Rice CoP
Rice drought molecular biology and breeding community of practice for West Africa (Work Package 4)
A community of practice (CoP) on rice breeding will be established to build up the capacity of and relationship between players within and around the project. Activities will include information and technology exchange between country partners, and facilitating links with related projects as well as relevant varietal evaluation and release systems.
Meantime, an online rice CoP is hosted on the IBP website.