Transition strategy
Drafted in May 2010, the Transition strategy was submitted to the CGIAR Consortium Board in May 2010, in response to the CGIAR reform ongoing at the time, while also articulating how the Programme will be brought to an orderly close. The Transition strategy outlines the Programme’s raison d’être, explains the nature of GCP partnerships, and describes the organisation of the different activities in the GCP workplan until its closure. This activity portfolio is divided into a service component and 8 Research Theme components. While the research components aim to demonstrate – through selected use cases – that modern and integrated breeding approaches can have a significant impact on crop productivity in developing countries, the service component is conceived as a vehicle for dissemination of knowledge and technology, enabling broad access to and proactive distribution of crop genetic stocks and breeding material; molecular, genomics and informatics technology and information; cost-effective high-throughput laboratory services; and capacity building programmes. Download the GCP Transition strategy 2011–2013 (May 2010); also download the
2011–2013 GCP Medium-Term Plan (1 MB), which outlines GCP's workplan up to 2013, and complements the Transition Strategy.