Evaluation of EC Contribution to the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). Country Note--Generation Challenge Programme, CIMMYT, Mexico (417.5 kB)
2007 Annual Research Meeting (ARM) Survey Results (This survey included a section on GCP in general, and not just impressions on the ARM. For this reason, the survey was administered by a neutral and independed third party, in a bid to ensure candid responses from participants. Summary of findings on GCP: "In regard to GCP in general, 85% of survey respondents had a very good or good impression. 75% of respondents felt the GCP is doing a very good or good job creating synergy among institutions. 81% of people felt the GCP is doing a very good or good job supporting their work as scientists. And, 82% of respondents had a very good or good impression of GCP communications.")