Research projects

Research-square-web-170In Phase I (2004–2008), the focus was on exploration and discovery with an emphasis on crop diversity, while in Phase II (2009–2014), the emphasis is on application and impact, centring on breeding and services to breeders.

Phase I work covered 21 CGIAR mandate crops, while Phase II concentrates on improving about half of them for drought tolerance. The nine key crops in Phase II are beans, cassava, chickpeas, cowpeas, groundnuts, maize, rice, sorghum and wheat. The 12 additional crops covered in Phase I are bananas and plantains (Musa spp), barley, coconuts, finger millet, foxtail millet, lentils, pearl millet, pigeonpeas, potatoes, soya beans, sweet potatoes and yams.

Details of the projects are in the Project Updates, with  synopes in the Project Briefs.

An alternative view: for a listing with the Principal Investigators and lead institutes as the entry point, visit this page

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Project # Project Title Principal Investigator Target Countries Target Crops Target Traits Partners Start End
G7009.09/ G7010.01.03 Implement MARS projects for drought tolerance Emmanuel Okogbenin, NRCRI Nigeria, Tanzania, Ghana cassava drought tolerance,
biotic traits
CRI December 2009
G7009.10/ G7010.01.02 Improving and deploying markers for biotic traits in cassava Chiedozie Egesi, NRCRI Nigeria, Tanzania, Ghana cassava drought tolerance,
biotic traits
CRI March 2010
G7010.01.01 Improvement and evaluation of the existing cassava reference set for Africa Morag Ferguson, IITA Africa cassava drought tolerance
biotic stress
CIAT, CRI Apr-10 March 2013; NCE: March 2014
A cassava breeding community of practice in Africa: for accelerated production and dissemination of farmer-preferred cassava varieties resistant to pests and diseases (Phase II) Emmanuel Okogbenin, NRCRI Ghana, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda cassava drought tolerance
pest resistance
disease resistance
ARI Jan-08 December 2013
G6010.03 Improve common bean productivity for marginal environments in sub-Saharan Africa B Raatz, CIAT Kenya, Ethiopia, Malawi, Zimbabwe beans drought tolerance
disease & pest resistance
DARTS, CBI May-10 May-14
G4011.08 Harnessing the potential of multiparent advanced generation intercross (MAGIC) populations for gene discovery and breeding applications in chickpeas Pooran M Gaur and Rajeev K Varshney, ICRISAT chickpeas EgU, EIAR Aug-11 Jul-14
G6010.04 Improve chickpea productivity for marginal environments in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia RK Varshney, ICRISAT Kenya, Ethiopia, India chickpeas drought tolerance
disease & pest resistance
EgU, EIAR, NCGR, NIPGR, UCD May-10 May-14
G6010.02/ G7010.07.01 Improve cowpea productivity for marginal environments in sub-Saharan Africa (TLI project, Objective 2) Phil Roberts, wef May 2012; previous PI: Jeffe Ehlers, UC Mozambique, Senegal, Burkina Faso cowpeas drought tolerance
disease & pest resistance
IITA, INERA, ISRA, UEM May-10 May-14
G6010.01 Improve groundnut productivity for marginal environments in sub-Saharan Africa Vincent Vadez, ICRISAT Tanzania, Senegal, Niger groundnuts drought tolerance
disease & pest resistance
Agropolis May-10 May-14
G6010.05 Cross-cutting crop activities (drought phenotyping, data management and capacity building)
(TLI project, Objective 5)
Drought phenotyping: Vincent Vadez, ICRISAT;
Data management: Trushar Shah, ICRISAT;
Capacity building: Ndeye Ndack Diop, GCP
Kenya, Ethiopia, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Senegal, Burkina Faso drought tolerance
disease & pest resistance
Agropolis May-10 May-14
G6010.06 Forensic marker service activities (includes soya bean and pigeonpea) Chunlin He, GCP Global Drought tolerance
Yield and seed quality
Various Feb-12 May-14
G4009.07.01 Capacity-building Bodo Raatz, CIAT Ethiopia, Zimbabwe beans drought tolerance
SARI Oct-09 October 2010; NCE: May 2014
G4009.07.02 Capacity-building Phil Roberts wef May 2012 Senegal, Mozambique cowpeas drought tolerance ISRA, UEM Oct-09 October 2010; NCE: May 2014
G4009.07.03 Capacity-building Rajeev K Varshney, ICRISAT Kenya, Ethiopia chickpeas drought tolerance EgU Dec-09 December 2010; NCE: May 2014
G4009.07.04 Ensuring ‘good’ and relevant phenotypic data to feed molecular breeders: The need for long-term training of scientists of NARS partners to TLI; PI: Vincent Vadez, ICRISAT Vincent Vadez, ICRISAT sub-Saharan Africa groundnuts
drought tolerance
ARI December 2009
December 2010;
NCE: May 2014
G7010.06.01 Accelerating development of genomic resources and strengthening NARS partner capacities for enhancing adoption of molecular breeding for drought tolerance in chickpea Rajeev K Varshney, ICRISAT Kenya, Ethiopia, India chickpeas drought tolerance
disease & pest resistance
EIAR, EgU, ICGGC (network), IIPR May-10 Jun-14
G4008.56 AMDROUT: Asian Maize Drought-Tolerance Project Bindiganavile S Vivek, CIMMYT Asia maize drought tolerance
ICERI, KSPL, NMRI, NSFCRC, Syngenta, UPLB, YAAS Nov-08 October 2013; NCE: July 2014
G3008.06 Targeting drought-avoidance root traits to enhance rice productivity under water-limited environments K McNally and Amelia Henry, IRRI Global rice drought tolerance
water use efficiency
ARC, BF, CRRI, CRURRS, CSU, IGKV, NU, NDUAT, TNAU, UoA, UAS Nov-08 October 2011; NCE: April 2013
G3008.09 Breeding drought tolerance for rainfed lowland rice in the Mekong region Boonrat Jongdee, BRRD Mekong Delta rice drought tolerance
CARDI, NAFRI, UQ Nov-08 October 2011; NCE: September 2013
G4008.45 A Nested Association Mapping (NAM) population of rice: laying the bases for highly efficient QTL characterisation Mathias Lorieux, Agropolis Global rice drought tolerance
ARC Aug-08 July 2010: NCE: July 2013
G4011.04 Dissemination and community of practice for newly developed drought-tolerant QTLs pyramided breeding lines Arvind Kumar, IRRI rice drought tolerance CRRI, CRURRS, DRR Jul-11 Jun-14
G4011.06 Field phenotyping for drought resistance of the MARS population developed under the GCP Rice RI C rice drought resistance ARC Nov-11 October 2012; NCE: October 2013
G4011.07 Rice multiparent advanced generation intercrosses (MAGIC) Hei Leung, IRRI rice Nov-11 Oct-13
Improving rice productivity in the lowland ecosystems of Burkina Faso, Mali and Nigeria through marker-assisted recurrent selection (MARS) for drought tolerance and yield potential Marie-No Burkina Faso, Mali, Nigeria rice drought tolerance
Agropolis May-10 Apr-14
WP 1 Characterisation of the IV-TPE, establishment of drought-evaluation sites and description of ideotypes fitting major sub-classes of TPE to improve rice productivity in the lowland ecosystems of Burkina Faso, Mali and Nigeria Sander Zwart, ARC Burkina Faso, Mali, Nigeria rice drought tolerance
Agropolis May-10 Apr-14
WP 2 Phenotyping for yield potential and drought tolerance to improve rice productivity in the lowlandecosystmes of Burkina Faso, Mali and Nigeria Koichi Futakuchi, ARC Burkina Faso, Mali, Nigeria rice drought tolerance
Agropolis May-10 Apr-14
WP 3 Developing improved lines combining favourable QTL alleles for drought adaptation and productivity in the lowland ecosystems of Burkina Faso, Mali and Nigeria Marie-No Burkina Faso, Mali, Nigeria rice drought tolerance
Agropolis May-10 Apr-14
WP 4 Rice drought molecular biology and breeding community of practice for West Africa Venuprasad Ramaiah, ARC Burkina Faso, Mali, Nigeria rice drought tolerance
Agropolis May-10 Apr-14
WP 5 Project and information management Ibnou Dieng, ARC Burkina Faso, Mali, Nigeria rice drought tolerance
Agropolis May-10 Apr-14
G4009.09 A Community of Practice for strengthening rice breeding programmes by using genotyping building strategy and improving phenotyping capacity for biotic and abiotic stresses in the Mekong region Jonaliza Lanceras-Siangliw, BIOTEC Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand rice drought tolerance
soil acidity
disease resistance
BIOTEC, CARDI, DAR, NAFRI Nov-09 October 2012; NCE: July 2013
G4010.04/G4010.01.01 Identification of novel QTLs for salinity tolerance and pyramiding with submergence tolerance to develop improved rice varieties for Bangladesh. Fellowship Bangladesh rice salt tolerance
submergence tolerance
BAU, BRRI, IRRI Mar-10 Mar-13
Discovery and development of alleles contributing to sorghum drought tolerance Andrew H Paterson, UGA Global Sorghum drought tolerance
DSR Nov-08 October 2011; NCE: December 2013
G4008.48 Improve sorghum productivity in semi-arid environments of Mali through integrated MARS Jean-Fran Mali Sorghum drought tolerance
IER, Syngenta Aug-08 July 2013; NCE: October 2014
Development and evaluation of drought-adapted sorghum germplasm for Africa and Australia (G4012.01: Phase II) David Jordan and Andrew Borrell, DPI&F/UQ Africa, Australia Sorghum drought tolerance Agropolis Jul-09 Jun-14
G7010.05.01 Enhancing sorghum grain yield and quality for the Sudano-Sahelian zone of West Africa using the backcross nested association mapping (BCNAM) approach Niaba T Mali Sorghum drought tolerance
Jan-10 Jun-14
Generating new wheat germplasm with enhanced drought/heat tolerance using AB genomes genetic diversity SC Misra, ARI Global Wheat drought/heat tolerance
CIMMYT, PBI_UoS, UAS Nov-08 October 2011; NCE: October 2013
G3008.08 Breeder-friendly high-throughput phenotyping tools to select for wheat adaptive traits in drought environments Wuletaw Tadesse (ICARDA);

Co-PI: M Fernanda Dreccer, CSIRO
Global Wheat drought CIMMYT, CAS Nov-08 October 2011; NCE: June 2013
G7010.02.01 Breeding and selection strategies to combine and validate quantitative trait loci for water-use efficiency and heat tolerance of wheat in China Ruilian Jing, NFCRI & ICS China Wheat drought tolerance
heat tolerance
water-use efficiency
CIMMYT, HAAS Apr-10 Mar-14
Molecular breeding and selection strategies to combine and validate quantitative trait loci for improving water-use efficiency and heat tolerance of wheat in India K Vinod Prabhu, IARI India Wheat drought tolerance
heat tolerance
water-use efficiency
ARI July 2010
G7009.07 Cloning, characterisation and validation of AltSB/Al tolerance in rice Leon Kochian and Susan McCouch, CU/USDA Global Rice Aluminium tolerance ICABIOGRD Oct-09 March 2012; NCE: March 2013
G7010.03.01 Cloning, characterisation and validation of Pup1/P efficiency in maize Leon Kochian, CU/USDA Global Maize Phosphorous efficiency EMBRAPA, IRRI, JIRCAS, MU/KARI Apr-10 Mar-14
G7010.03.02 Cloning, characterisation and validation of AltSB/Al tolerance in maize Claudia Guim Global Maize Al tolerance CU/USDA Apr-10 March 2012; NCE: March 2013
G7010.03.03 Establishing a molecular breeding program based on the aluminum tolerance gene AltSB and the P efficiency QTL, Pup-1, for increasing sorghum production in Sub-Saharan Africa Eva Weltzien, ICRISAT Africa Sorghum Al tolerance
Phosphorous efficiency
CU/USDA Apr-10 Mar-14
G7010.03.04 Developing rice with dual tolerance of phosphorus deficiency and aluminum toxicity: marker-assisted pyramiding of Pup1 with novel tolerance QTLs Tobias Kretschmar, IRRI Asia Rice phosphorous deficiency
Al tolerance
CU/USDA Apr-10 Mar-14
G7010.03.05 Marker-assisted backcrossing for improving phosphorous-use efficiency and tolerance to aluminium toxicity via Pup-1 and AltSB genes in maize Samuel Gudu, MU/KARI Global Maize Al tolerance
Phosphorous efficiency
G7010.03.06 Improving phosphorus efficiency in sorghum by the identification and validation of sorghum homologs for Pup1, a major QTL underlying phosphorus uptake in rice, and identification of other P efficiency QTLs Jurandir Magalh Global Sorghum Phosphorous efficiency CU/USDA Apr-10 Mar-14
G4008.37 PhD in plant breeding training at the West Africa Centre for Crop Improvement Eric Y Danquah, WACCI Africa Global Global CU, UG Mar-08 Feb-14
G8009.01.01 Activity 1.1.1: Establish and manage the IBP Xavier Delannay, GCP Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
Activity 1.1.2: Develop and deploy the IBP web portal Fred Okono, GCP Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.01.03 Activity 1.1.3: Establish IBP Helpdesk and coordinate training and communication activities Ndeye Ndack Diop, GCP Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.01.04 Activity 1.1.4: Establish and support crop molecular breeding communities of practice Ndeye Ndack Diop, GCP Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.02.01 Activity 2.1.1: Identify, deploy and support tools to facilitate the management of germplasm lists, pedigrees, intellectual property and other passport data Shawn Yates and Fran Clarke, AAFC Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 COMPLETED IN JULY 2012
G8009.02.02 Activity 2.1.2: Identify, deploy and support tools to manage phenotypic characterisation and evaluation H S Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 COMPLETED IN DECEMBER 2012
G8009.02.03 Activity 2.1.3: Identify, deploy and support tools to manage genotypic characterisation Trushar Shah, ICRISAT Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 COLLAPSED INTO ACTIVITY 2.2.4 IN JUNE 2012
G8009.03.01 Activity 2.2.1: Develop and deploy an IB WorkBench Administration & Configuration Application Graham McLaren, GCP Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.01 Subactivity Develop an IB Workflow Administration Application Graham McLaren, GCP Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.01 Subactivity Develop IB Project Configuration Application Graham McLaren, GCP Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.01 Subactivity Develop Database back-end for the IB workflow Graham McLaren, GCP Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.02 Activity 2.2.2: Develop and deploy an IB Management System Application Graham McLaren, GCP Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.02 Subactivity Develop Breeding Manager Application H Sanchez, CIMMYT Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.02 Subactivity Develop Geneaology Manager Application William Eusebio, IRRI Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.02 Subactivity Develop Query Manager Application Graham McLaren, GCP Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.03 Activity 2.2.3: Develop and deploy an IB Field Trial Management System Application Graham McLaren, GCP Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.03 Subactivity: Develop a Trial FieldBook Application H Sanchez, CIMMYT Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.03 Subactivity: Develop an Environment Characterisation System Application G McLaren, GCP Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.04 Activity 2.2.4: Develop and deploy an IB Genotypic Data Management System Application G McLaren, GCP Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.04 Subactivity Develop a Genotypic Data Management Application Trushar Shah, ICRISAT Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.05 Activity 2.2.5: Develop and deploy an IB Analytical Pipeline Application Mark Sawkins, GCP Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.05 Subactivity Develop a Data Management Application Mark Sawkins, GCP Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.05 Subactivity Develop a Phenotypic data Analysis Application FA v Eeuwijk (WUR)/G Ye (IRRI) Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.05 Subactivity Develop a Molecular Genetic Analysis Application FA v Eeuwijk (WUR)/G Ye (IRRI) Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.05 Subactivity Develop a Selection Indices Application J Crossa (CIMMYT)/FA v Eeuwijk (WUR) Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.05 Subactivity Develop a Selection Indices Application J Crossa (CIMMYT)/FA v Eeuwijk (WUR) Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.06 Activity 2.2.6 Genstat Breeding View Mark Sawkins (GCP) Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.06 Subactivity Develop Breeding Decision Support Applications T Shah (ICRISAT) Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.06 Subactivity Develop MARS Decision Support Application Alain Charcosset (CIRAD) Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.06 Subactivity Develop Simulation Application M Dieters (UoQ) Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 TERMINATED JULY 2013
G8009.05.01 Activity 3.1.1: Genetic Resources Support Service Larry Butler, GCP Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.05.02 Activity 3.1.2: Marker Services Chunlin He, GCP Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.05.03 Activity 3.1.3: Trait and metabolite services Chunlin He, GCP Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.06.01 Activity 3.2.1: Breeding Plan Development Mark Sawkins, GCP Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.06.01 Subactivity PMB (Planning tool for molecular breeding projects Mark Sawkins, GCP and Jiankang Wang, CIMMYT/CAAS Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.06.02 Activity 3.2.2: Information Mgt Arllet Portugal, GCP Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.06.03 Activity 3.2.3: Data curation Arllet Portugal, GCP Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.06.04 Activity 3.2.4: Design & analysis Marcos Malosetti, WUR Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.06.05 Activity 3.2.5: Phenotyping sites & screening protocols) Xavier Delannay, GCP Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.06.06 Activity 3.2.6: Genotying Support Service Chunlin He, GCP Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.06.07 Activity 3.2.7: IP & Policy Helpdesk L Butler, GCP Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G4011.01/ G4011.10
Enhancement and implementation of the Crop Ontology for data integration and data interoperability, and expanding its use within communities of practice and to partners to integrate datasets for GCP priority crops through the IBP Elizabeth Arnaud, Bioversity Global Global Global CIMMYT, CIP, IRRI, CIAT, IATA, NCRI,
Plant Ontology Consortium,
NERC Environmental Bioinformatics Centre, University of Manchester
Jan-10 December 2012; NCE: October 2013
Devt of Integrated SNP Mining and Utilization (ISMU) pipeline based on next generation sequencing (NGS) and high-throughput (HTP) genotyping technologies for facilitating molecular breeding Rajeev Varshney and Trushar Shah, ICRISAT Global Global Global ICRISAT, NCGR, SCRI, UoQ Sep-10 Oct-13
G4011.09 Developent of a Genotyping Data Management System (GDMS) Trushar Shah, ICRISAT Global Global Global CIMMYT, GCP, Hutton, IRRI, NCGR, SCRI Dec-11 Nov-13

To sort by column, click the column header. You can also search for any keyword by typing it into the search box to the right.

Project # Project Title Principal Investigator Target Countries Target Crops Target Traits Partners Start End
G7009.09/ G7010.01.03 Implement MARS projects for drought tolerance Emmanuel Okogbenin, NRCRI Nigeria, Tanzania, Ghana Cassava drought tolerance,
biotic traits
CRI December 2009
G7009.10/ G7010.01.02 Improving and deploying markers for biotic traits in cassava Chiedozie Egesi, NRCRI Nigeria, Tanzania, Ghana Cassava drought tolerance,
biotic traits
CRI March 2010
G7010.01.01 Improvement and evaluation of the existing cassava reference set for Africa Morag Ferguson, IITA Africa Cassava drought tolerance
biotic stress
CIAT, CRI Apr-10 Mar-13
G7010.01.04 Phenotyping cassava for drought tolerance to identify QTLs Alfredo Alves, EMBRAPA Cassava drought tolerance CIAT, CU, IITA, IGS Apr-10 March 2012; NCE: October 2012
A cassava breeding community of practice in Africa: for accelerated production and dissemination of farmer-preferred cassava varieties resistant to pests and diseases (Phase II) Emmanuel Okogbenin, NRCRI Ghana, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda Cassava drought tolerance
pest resistance
disease resistance
ARI Jan-08 December 2013
G4012.02.01 Travel grant: GCP21 Claude M. Fauquet, DDPSC various Cassava various Feb-12 Aug-12
G3008.07 Basal root architecture and drought tolerance in common beans JP Lynch, PSU Global beans drought tolerance
CIAT, IIAM, SABRN Nov-08 October 2011; NCE: Oct 2012
G6010.03 Improve common bean productivity for marginal environments in sub-Saharan Africa B Raatz, CIAT Kenya, Ethiopia, Malawi, Zimbabwe Beans drought tolerance
disease & pest resistance
DARTS, CBI May-10 May-14
G4011.08 Harnessing the potential of multiparent advanced generation intercross (MAGIC) populations for gene discovery and breeding applications in chickpeas Pooran M Gaur and Rajeev K Varshney, ICRISAT Chickpeas EgU, EIAR Aug-11 Jul-14
G6010.04 Improve chickpea productivity for marginal environments in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia RK Varshney, ICRISAT Kenya, Ethiopia, India Chickpeas drought tolerance
disease & pest resistance
EgU, EIAR, NCGR, NIPGR, UCD May-10 May-14
Validation of QTLs associated with drought tolerance traits in chickpea Pooran M Gaur, ICRISAT Global Chickpeas drought tolerance ARS Jan-09 December 2011; NCE: June 2012
G6010.02/ G7010.07.01 Improve cowpea productivity for marginal environments in sub-Saharan Africa (TLI project, Objective 2) Phil Roberts, wef May 2012; previous PI: Jeffe Ehlers, UC Mozambique, Senegal, Burkina Faso Cowpeas drought tolerance
disease & pest resistance
IITA, INERA, ISRA, UEM May-10 May-14
G6010.01 Improve groundnut productivity for marginal environments in sub-Saharan Africa Vincent Vadez, ICRISAT Tanzania, Senegal, Niger Groundnuts drought tolerance
disease & pest resistance
Agropolis May-10 May-14
G6010.05 Cross-cutting crop activities (drought phenotyping, data management and capacity building)
(TLI project, Objective 5)
Drought phenotyping: Vincent Vadez, ICRISAT;
Data management: Trushar Shah, ICRISAT;
Capacity building: Ndeye Ndack Diop, GCP
Kenya, Ethiopia, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Senegal, Burkina Faso drought tolerance
disease & pest resistance
Agropolis May-10 May-14
G6010.06 Forensic marker service activities (includes soya bean and pigeonpea) Chunlin He, GCP Global Drought tolerance
Yield and seed quality
Various Feb-12 May-14
G4009.07.01 Capacity-building Bodo Raatz, CIAT Ethiopia, Zimbabwe beans drought tolerance
SARI Oct-09 October 2010; NCE: May 2013
G4009.07.02 Capacity-building Phil Roberts wef May 2012 Senegal, Mozambique cowpeas drought tolerance ISRA, UEM Oct-09 October 2010; NCE: May 2013
G4009.07.03 Capacity-building Rajeev K Varshney, ICRISAT Kenya, Ethiopia chickpeas drought tolerance EgU Dec-09 December 2010; NCE: May 2013
G4009.07.04 Ensuring ‘good’ and relevant phenotypic data to feed molecular breeders: The need for long-term training of scientists of NARS partners to TLI; PI: Vincent Vadez, ICRISAT Vincent Vadez, ICRISAT sub-Saharan Africa groundnuts
drought tolerance
ARI December 2009
December 2010;
NCE: May 2013
G4012.02.02 Travel grant: VI ICLGG Rajeev K Varshney, ICRISAT various various various Apr-12 Oct-12
G7010.06.01 Accelerating development of genomic resources and strengthening NARS partner capacities for enhancing adoption of molecular breeding for drought tolerance in chickpea Rajeev K Varshney, ICRISAT Kenya, Ethiopia, India chickpeas drought tolerance
disease & pest resistance
EIAR, EgU, ICGGC (network), IIPR May-10 Jun-14
G4008.33 Drought-tolerance phenotyping of the GCP maize inbred line reference set James Gethi, KARI Global Maize drought tolerance
Agropolis_INRA, CIMMYT, ETH Jan-08 February 2011; NCE: February 2012
G4008.56 AMDROUT: Asian Maize Drought-Tolerance Project Bindiganavile S Vivek, CIMMYT Asia Maize drought tolerance
ICERI, KSPL, NMRI, NSFCRC, Syngenta, UPLB, YAAS Nov-08 Oct-13
G3007.05 Detecting and fine-mapping QTLs with major effects on rice yield under drought stress for deployment via marker-aided breeding Arvind Kumar, IRRI Global Rice drought tolerance
BF, BiAU, CRRI, CRURRS, IGKV, JNKVV, NDUAT, TNAU, UoAl, UAS Aug-07 July 2009; NCE: April 2012
G3008.03 Delayed senescence and drought tolerance in rice Eduardo Blumwald, UCD Global Rice drought tolerance IRRI Nov-08 October 2011; NCE: October 2012
G3008.06 Targeting drought-avoidance root traits to enhance rice productivity under water-limited environments K McNally and Amelia Henry, IRRI Global Rice drought tolerance
water use efficiency
ARC, BF, CRRI, CRURRS, CSU, IGKV, NU, NDUAT, TNAU, UoA, UAS Nov-08 October 2011; NCE: April 2013
G3008.09 Breeding drought tolerance for rainfed lowland rice in the Mekong region Boonrat Jongdee, BRRD Mekong Delta Rice drought tolerance
CARDI, NAFRI, UQ Nov-08 October 2011; NCE: March 2013
G4008.45 A Nested Association Mapping (NAM) population of rice: laying the bases for highly efficient QTL characterisation Mathias Lorieux, Agropolis Global Rice drought tolerance
ARC Aug-08 July 2010: NCE: July 2013
G4011.04 Dissemination and community of practice for newly developed drought-tolerant QTLs pyramided breeding lines Arvind Kumar, IRRI Rice drought tolerance CRRI, CRURRS, DRR Jul-11 Jun-14
G4011.06 Field phenotyping for drought resistance of the MARS population developed under the GCP Rice RI C Rice drought resistance ARC Nov-11 October 2012; NCE: October 2013
G4011.07 Rice multiparent advanced generation intercrosses (MAGIC) Hei Leung, IRRI Rice Nov-11 Oct-13
Improving rice productivity in the lowland ecosystems of Burkina Faso, Mali and Nigeria through marker-assisted recurrent selection (MARS) for drought tolerance and yield potential Marie-No Burkina Faso, Mali, Nigeria Rice drought tolerance
Agropolis May-10 Apr-14
WP 1 Characterisation of the IV-TPE, establishment of drought-evaluation sites and description of ideotypes fitting major sub-classes of TPE to improve rice productivity in the lowland ecosystems of Burkina Faso, Mali and Nigeria Sander Zwart, ARC Burkina Faso, Mali, Nigeria Rice drought tolerance
Agropolis May-10 Apr-14
WP 2 Phenotyping for yield potential and drought tolerance to improve rice productivity in the lowlandecosystmes of Burkina Faso, Mali and Nigeria Koichi Futakuchi, ARC Burkina Faso, Mali, Nigeria Rice drought tolerance
Agropolis May-10 Apr-14
WP 3 Developing improved lines combining favourable QTL alleles for drought adaptation and productivity in the lowland ecosystems of Burkina Faso, Mali and Nigeria Marie-No Burkina Faso, Mali, Nigeria Rice drought tolerance
Agropolis May-10 Apr-14
WP 4 Rice drought molecular biology and breeding community of practice for West Africa Venuprasad Ramaiah, ARC Burkina Faso, Mali, Nigeria Rice drought tolerance
Agropolis May-10 Apr-14
WP 5 Project and information management Ibnou Dieng, ARC Burkina Faso, Mali, Nigeria Rice drought tolerance
Agropolis May-10 Apr-14
G4009.09 A Community of Practice for strengthening rice breeding programmes by using genotyping building strategy and improving phenotyping capacity for biotic and abiotic stresses in the Mekong region Jonaliza Lanceras-Siangliw, BIOTEC Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand Rice drought tolerance
soil acidity
disease resistance
BIOTEC, CARDI, DAR, NAFRI Nov-09 October 2012; NCE: July 2013
G4010.04/G4010.01.01 Identification of novel QTLs for salinity tolerance and pyramiding with submergence tolerance to develop improved rice varieties for Bangladesh. Fellowship Bangladesh Rice salt tolerance
submergence tolerance
BAU, BRRI, IRRI Mar-10 Mar-13
Discovery and development of alleles contributing to sorghum drought tolerance Andrew H Paterson, UGA Global Sorghum drought tolerance
DSR Nov-08 October 2011; NCE: December 2012
G4008.02 Phenotyping sorghum reference set for drought tolerance HD Upadhyaya, ICRISAT Global Sorghum drought tolerance
IER, ISRA/CERAAS, KARI, NPGRC, UAS Jan-08 December 2010; NCE: May 2012
G4008.48 Improve sorghum productivity in semi-arid environments of Mali through integrated MARS Jean-Fran Mali Sorghum drought tolerance
IER, Syngenta Aug-08 July 2013; NCE: October 2014
Development and evaluation of drought-adapted sorghum germplasm for Africa and Australia (G4012.01: Phase II) David Jordan and Andrew Borrell, DPI&F/UQ Africa, Australia Sorghum drought tolerance Agropolis Jul-09 Jun-14
G7010.05.01 Enhancing sorghum grain yield and quality for the Sudano-Sahelian zone of West Africa using the backcross nested association mapping (BCNAM) approach Niaba T Mali Sorghum drought tolerance
Jan-10 Jun-14
Generating new wheat germplasm with enhanced drought/heat tolerance using AB genomes genetic diversity SC Misra, ARI Global Wheat drought/heat tolerance
CIMMYT, PBI_UoS, UAS Nov-08 October 2011; NCE: October 2013
G3008.08 Breeder-friendly high-throughput phenotyping tools to select for wheat adaptive traits in drought environments Francis Ogbonnaya, (ICARDA);

Co-PI: M Fernanda Dreccer, CSIRO
Global Wheat drought CIMMYT, CAS Nov-08 October 2011; NCE: June 2013
G7010.02.01 Breeding and selection strategies to combine and validate quantitative trait loci for water-use efficiency and heat tolerance of wheat in China Ruilian Jing, NFCRI & ICS China Wheat drought tolerance
heat tolerance
water-use efficiency
CIMMYT, HAAS Apr-10 Mar-14
Molecular breeding and selection strategies to combine and validate quantitative trait loci for improving water-use efficiency and heat tolerance of wheat in India K Vinod Prabhu, IARI India Wheat drought tolerance
heat tolerance
water-use efficiency
ARI July 2010
G3008.02 Improving grain yield on acid soils by the identification of genetic factors underlying drought and aluminium tolerance in maize and sorghum Leon Kochian, CU/USDA Global Maize, Sorghum Drought tolerance
Al tolerance
EMBRAPA, MU/KARI Nov-08 October 2011; NCE: October 2012
G3008.04 Drought from a different perspective: Improved tolerance through Phosphoros acquisition Sigrid Heuer, IRRI Global Rice drought tolerance
Phosphorous defficiency
ICABIOGRD, JIRCAS, UoP/MPI-MP Nov-08 October 2011; NCE: October 2012
G7009.07 Cloning, characterisation and validation of AltSB/Al tolerance in rice Leon Kochian and Susan McCouch, CU/USDA Global Rice Aluminium tolerance ICABIOGRD Oct-09 March 2012; NCE: March 2013
G7010.03.01 Cloning, characterisation and validation of Pup1/P efficiency in maize Leon Kochian, CU/USDA Global Maize Phosphorous efficiency EMBRAPA, IRRI, JIRCAS, MU/KARI Apr-10 Mar-14
G7010.03.02 Cloning, characterisation and validation of AltSB/Al tolerance in maize Claudia Guim Global Maize Al tolerance CU/USDA Apr-10 March 2012; NCE: March 2013
G7010.03.03 Establishing a molecular breeding program based on the aluminum tolerance gene AltSB and the P efficiency QTL, Pup-1, for increasing sorghum production in Sub-Saharan Africa Eva Weltzien, ICRISAT Africa Sorghum Al tolerance
Phosphorous efficiency
CU/USDA Apr-10 Mar-14
G7010.03.04 Developing rice with dual tolerance of phosphorus deficiency and aluminum toxicity: marker-assisted pyramiding of Pup1 with novel tolerance QTLs Sigrid Heuer, IRRI Asia Rice phosphorous deficiency
Al tolerance
CU/USDA Apr-10 Mar-14
G7010.03.05 Marker-assisted backcrossing for improving phosphorous-use efficiency and tolerance to aluminium toxicity via Pup-1 and AltSB genes in maize Samuel Gudu, MU/KARI Global Maize Al tolerance
Phosphorous efficiency
G7010.03.06 Improving phosphorus efficiency in sorghum by the identification and validation of sorghum homologs for Pup1, a major QTL underlying phosphorus uptake in rice, and identification of other P efficiency QTLs Jurandir Magalh Global Sorghum Phosphorous efficiency CU/USDA Apr-10 Mar-14
G4008.05 Connecting performance under drought with genotypes through phenotype associations Arvind Kumar, IRRI Asia rice
drought tolerance
Agropolis January 2008
December 2010;
NCE: June 2012
G4006.36 Capacity-building and research project:
Academic position in molecular breeding supported.
Mark Laing , ACCI Africa Global Global Jan-07 December 2011; NCE: September 2012
G4008.37 PhD in plant breeding training at the West Africa Centre for Crop Improvement Eric Y Danquah, WACCI Africa Global Global CU, UG Mar-08 Feb-14
G4010.02 Potential benefits of marker-assisted selection technologies on wheat, sorghum, cassava, and rice, and of the Integrated Breeding Platform George W. Norton, VT Global Sorghum, Cassava, Rice Various IFPRI May-10 Dec 2011; NCE: June 2012
G8009.01.01 Activity 1.1.1: Establish and manage the IBP Xavier Delannay, GCP Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
Activity 1.1.2: Develop and deploy the IBP web portal Fred Okono, GCP Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.01.03 Activity 1.1.3: Establish IBP Helpdesk and coordinate training and communication activities Ndeye Ndack Diop, GCP Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.01.04 Activity 1.1.4: Establish and support crop molecular breeding communities of practice Ndeye Ndack Diop, GCP Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.02.01 Activity 2.1.1: Identify, deploy and support tools to facilitate the management of germplasm lists, pedigrees, intellectual property and other passport data Shawn Yates and Fran Clarke, AAFC Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 COMPLETED IN JULY 2012
G8009.02.02 Activity 2.1.2: Identify, deploy and support tools to manage phenotypic characterisation and evaluation H S Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 COMPLETED IN DECEMBER 2012
G8009.02.03 Activity 2.1.3: Identify, deploy and support tools to manage genotypic characterisation Trushar Shah, ICRISAT Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 COLLAPSED INTO ACTIVITY 2.2.4 IN JUNE 2012
G8009.03.01 Activity 2.2.1: Develop and deploy an IB WorkBench Administration & Configuration Application Graham McLaren, GCP Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.01 Subactivity Develop an IB Workflow Administration Application Graham McLaren, GCP Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.01 Subactivity Develop IB Project Configuration Application Graham McLaren, GCP Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.01 Subactivity Develop Database back-end for the IB workflow Graham McLaren, GCP Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.02 Activity 2.2.2: Develop and deploy an IB Management System Application Graham McLaren, GCP Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.02 Subactivity Develop Breeding Manager Application H Sanchez, CIMMYT Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.02 Subactivity Develop Geneaology Manager Application William Eusebio, IRRI Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.02 Subactivity Develop Query Manager Application Graham McLaren, GCP Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.03 Activity 2.2.3: Develop and deploy an IB Field Trial Management System Application Graham McLaren, GCP Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.03 Subactivity: Develop a Trial FieldBook Application H Sanchez, CIMMYT Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.03 Subactivity: Develop an Environment Characterisation System Application G McLaren, GCP Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.04 Activity 2.2.4: Develop and deploy an IB Genotypic Data Management System Application G McLaren, GCP Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.04 Subactivity Develop a Genotypic Data Management Application Trushar Shah, ICRISAT Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.05 Activity 2.2.5: Develop and deploy an IB Analytical Pipeline Application Mark Sawkins, GCP Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.05 Subactivity Develop a Data Management Application Mark Sawkins, GCP Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.05 Subactivity Develop a Phenotypic data Analysis Application FA v Eeuwijk (WUR)/G Ye (IRRI) Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.05 Subactivity Develop a Molecular Genetic Analysis Application FA v Eeuwijk (WUR)/G Ye (IRRI) Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.05 Subactivity Develop a Selection Indices Application J Crossa (CIMMYT)/FA v Eeuwijk (WUR) Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.05 Subactivity Develop a Selection Indices Application J Crossa (CIMMYT)/FA v Eeuwijk (WUR) Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.06 Activity 2.2.6 Genstat Breeding View Mark Sawkins (GCP) Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.06 Subactivity Develop Breeding Decision Support Applications T Shah (ICRISAT) Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.06 Subactivity Develop MARS Decision Support Application Alain Charcosset (CIRAD) Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.06 Subactivity Develop Simulation Application M Dieters (UoQ) Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 TERMINATED DECEMBER 2012
G8009.05.01 Activity 3.1.1: Genetic Resources Support Service Larry Butler, GCP Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.05.02 Activity 3.1.2: Marker Services Chunlin He, GCP Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.05.03 Activity 3.1.3: Trait and metabolite services Chunlin He, GCP Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.06.01 Activity 3.2.1: Breeding Plan Development Mark Sawkins, GCP Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.06.01 Subactivity PMB (Planning tool for molecular breeding projects Mark Sawkins, GCP and Jiankang Wang, CIMMYT/CAAS Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.06.02 Activity 3.2.2: Information Mgt Arllet Portugal, GCP Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.06.03 Activity 3.2.3: Data curation Arllet Portugal, GCP Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.06.04 Activity 3.2.4: Design & analysis Marcos Malosetti, WUR Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.06.05 Activity 3.2.5: Phenotyping sites & screening protocols) Xavier Delannay, GCP Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.06.06 Activity 3.2.6: Genotying Support Service Chunlin He, GCP Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.06.07 Activity 3.2.7: IP & Policy Helpdesk L Butler, GCP Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G4011.01/ G4011.10
Enhancement and implementation of the Crop Ontology for data integration and data interoperability, and expanding its use within communities of practice and to partners to integrate datasets for GCP priority crops through the IBP Elizabeth Arnaud, Bioversity Global Global Global CIMMYT, CIP, IRRI, CIAT, IATA, NCRI,
Plant Ontology Consortium,
NERC Environmental Bioinformatics Centre, University of Manchester
Jan-10 December 2012; NCE: October 2013
Devt of Integrated SNP Mining and Utilization (ISMU) pipeline based on next generation sequencing (NGS) and high-throughput (HTP) genotyping technologies for facilitating molecular breeding Rajeev Varshney and Trushar Shah, ICRISAT Global Global Global ICRISAT, NCGR, SCRI, UoQ Sep-10 Oct-13
G4011.09 Developent of a Genotyping Data Management System (GDMS) Trushar Shah, ICRISAT Global Global Global CIMMYT, GCP, Hutton, IRRI, NCGR, SCRI Dec-11 Nov-13

To sort by column, click the column header. You can also search for any keyword by typing it into the search box to the right.

Project # Project Title Principal Investigator Target Countries Target Crops Target Traits Partners Start End
G3007.03 Genetic and physical mapping resources produced for drought breeding in cassava Pablo Rabinowicz, IGS Africa, Asia, Latin America Cassava drought tolerance ACGT Aug-07 February 2010; NCE: February 2011
G7009.09/ G7010.01.03 Implement MARS projects for drought tolerance Emmanuel Okogbenin, NRCRI Nigeria, Tanzania, Ghana Cassava drought tolerance,
biotic traits
CRI December 2009
G7009.10/ G7010.01.02 Improving and deploying markers for biotic traits in cassava Chiedozie Egesi, NRCRI Nigeria, Tanzania, Ghana Cassava drought tolerance,
biotic traits
CRI March 2010
G7010.01.01 Improvement and evaluation of the existing cassava reference set for Africa Morag Ferguson, IITA Africa Cassava drought tolerance
biotic stress
CIAT, CRI Apr-10 Mar-13
G7010.01.04 Phenotyping cassava for drought tolerance to identify QTLs Alfredo Alves, EMBRAPA Cassava drought tolerance CIAT, CU, IITA, IGS Apr-10 Mar-12
A cassava breeding community of practice in Africa: for accelerated production and dissemination of farmer-preferred cassava varieties resistant to pests and diseases (Phase II) Emmanuel Okogbenin, NRCRI Ghana, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda Cassava drought tolerance
pest resistance
disease resistance
ARI Jan-08 December 2013
G3008.07 Basal root architecture and drought tolerance in common beans JP Lynch, PSU Global Beans drought tolerance
CIAT, IIAM, SABRN Nov-08 October 2011; NCE: Oct 2012
G4008.11 Dry bean improvement and marker-assisted breeding for diseases and abiotic stresses in Central America and the Caribbean Jorge A Acosta-Gallegos, INIFAP Mexico Beans drought tolerance
disease & pest resistance
CIAT, INCA, INTA Jan-08 December 2010; NCE: July 2011
G6010.03 Improve common bean productivity for marginal environments in sub-Saharan Africa S Beebe, CIAT Kenya, Ethiopia, Malawi, Zimbabwe Beans drought tolerance
disease & pest resistance
DARTS, CBI May-10 May-14
G4008.13 Improving drought- tolerance phenotyping in cowpeas Jeff Ehlers, UCR Mozambique, Senegal, Burkina Faso Cowpea drought tolerance IER, IITA, ISRA, TAMU Jan-08 December 2010; NCE: March 2011
G6010.02/ G7010.07.01 Improve cowpea productivity for marginal environments in sub-Saharan Africa (TLI project, Objective 2) Jeff Ehlers, UC Mozambique, Senegal, Burkina Faso Cowpea drought tolerance
disease & pest resistance
IITA, INERA, ISRA, UEM May-10 May-14
G4008.06 Single nucleotide polymorphism discovery Peggy Ozias-Akins, UGA Global Groundnut multiple traits ICRISAT January 2008
December 2008; NCE: December 2011
G6010.01 Improve groundnut productivity for marginal environments in sub-Saharan Africa Vincent Vadez, ICRISAT Tanzania, Senegal, Niger Groundnut drought tolerance
disease & pest resistance
Agropolis May-10 May-14
G6010.05 Cross-cutting crop activities (drought phenotyping, data management and capacity building)
(TLI project, Objective 5)
Drought phenotyping: Vincent Vadez, ICRISAT;
Data management: Trushar Shah, ICRISAT;
Capacity building: Ndeye Ndack Diop, GCP
Kenya, Ethiopia, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Senegal, Burkina Faso Groundnut drought tolerance
disease & pest resistance
Agropolis May-10 May-14
G4009.07.01 Capacity-building Steve Beebe, CIAT Ethiopia, Zimbabwe beans drought tolerance
SARI Oct-09 October 2010; NCE: May 2013
G4009.07.02 Capacity-building Jeffrey D Ehlers, UCR Senegal, Mozambique cowpeas drought tolerance ISRA, UEM Oct-09 October 2010; NCE: May 2013
G4009.07.03 Capacity-building Rajeev K Varshney, ICRISAT Kenya, Ethiopia chickpeas drought tolerance EgU Dec-09 December 2010; NCE: May 2013
G4009.07.04 Ensuring ‘good’ and relevant phenotypic data to feed molecular breeders: The need for long-term training of scientists of NARS partners to TLI; PI: Vincent Vadez, ICRISAT Vincent Vadez, ICRISAT sub-Saharan Africa groundnuts
drought tolerance
ARI December 2009
December 2010;
NCE: May 2013
G7010.06.01 Accelerating development of genomic resources and strengthening NARS partner capacities for enhancing adoption of molecular breeding for drought tolerance in chickpea Rajeev K Varshney, ICRISAT Kenya, Ethiopia, India chickpeas drought tolerance
disease & pest resistance
EIAR, EgU, ICGGC (network), IIPR May-10 Jun-14
G4008.33 Drought-tolerance phenotyping of the GCP maize inbred line reference set James Gethi, KARI Global Maize drought tolerance
Agropolis_INRA, CIMMYT, ETH Jan-08 February 2011; NCE: February 2012
G4008.56 AMDROUT: Asian Maize Drought-Tolerance Project Bindiganavile S Vivek, CIMMYT Asia Maize drought tolerance
ICERI, KSPL, NMRI, NSFCRC, Syngenta, UPLB, YAAS Nov-08 Oct-13
G3007.05 Detecting and fine-mapping QTLs with major effects on rice yield under drought stress for deployment via marker-aided breeding Arvind Kumar, IRRI Global Rice drought tolerance
BF, BiAU, CRRI, CRURRS, IGKV, JNKVV, NDUAT, TNAU, UoAl, UAS Aug-07 July 2009; NCE: April 2012
G3008.03 Delayed senescence and drought tolerance in rice Eduardo Blumwald, UCD Global Rice drought tolerance IRRI Nov-08 October 2011; NCE: October 2012
G3008.06 Targeting drought-avoidance root traits to enhance rice productivity under water-limited environments K McNally and Amelia Henry, IRRI Global Rice drought tolerance
water use efficiency
ARC, BF, CRRI, CRURRS, CSU, IGKV, NU, NDUAT, TNAU, UoA, UAS Nov-08 October 2011; NCE: October 2012
G3008.09 Breeding drought tolerance for rainfed lowland rice in the Mekong region Boonrat Jongdee, BRRD Mekong Delta Rice drought tolerance
CARDI, NAFRI, UQ Nov-08 October 2011; NCE: September 2012
G4006.01 Developing strategies for allele mining within large collections NR Sackville Hamilton, IRRI Global Rice IRRI, EMBRAPA, ICARDA, ICRISAT Jan-06 Aug-11
G4008.45 A Nested Association Mapping (NAM) population of rice: laying the bases for highly efficient QTL characterisation Mathias Lorieux, Agropolis Global Rice drought tolerance
ARC Aug-08 July 2010: NCE: May 2012
G4010.04 Enhancing capacity for use of advance genotyping for fine-mapping and pyramiding of major salt tolerant QTLs through MABC for the development of durable saline tolerant rice varieties Zeba I Seraj, DU Bangladesh Rice salt tolerance
BRRI, IRRI Jul-10 June 2011; NCE: November 2011
G4011.04 Dissemination and community of practice for newly developed drought-tolerant QTLs pyramided breeding lines Arvind Kumar, IRRI Rice drought tolerance CRRI, CRURRS, DRR Jul-11 Jun-14
G4011.06 Field phenotyping for drought resistance of the MARS population developed under the GCP Rice RI C Rice drought resistance ARC Nov-11 Oct-12
G4011.07 Rice multiparent advanced generation intercrosses (MAGIC) Hei Leung, IRRI Rice Nov-11 Oct-13
Improving rice productivity in the lowland ecosystems of Burkina Faso, Mali and Nigeria through marker-assisted recurrent selection (MARS) for drought tolerance and yield potential Marie-No Burkina Faso, Mali, Nigeria Rice drought tolerance
Agropolis May-10 Apr-14
WP 1 Characterisation of the IV-TPE, establishment of drought-evaluation sites and description of ideotypes fitting major sub-classes of TPE to improve rice productivity in the lowland ecosystems of Burkina Faso, Mali and Nigeria Sander Zwart, ARC Burkina Faso, Mali, Nigeria Rice drought tolerance
Agropolis May-10 Apr-14
WP 2 Phenotyping for yield potential and drought tolerance to improve rice productivity in the lowlandecosystmes of Burkina Faso, Mali and Nigeria Koichi Futakuchi, ARC Burkina Faso, Mali, Nigeria Rice drought tolerance
Agropolis May-10 Apr-14
WP 3 Developing improved lines combining favourable QTL alleles for drought adaptation and productivity in the lowland ecosystems of Burkina Faso, Mali and Nigeria Marie-No Burkina Faso, Mali, Nigeria Rice drought tolerance
Agropolis May-10 Apr-14
WP 4 Rice drought molecular biology and breeding community of practice for West Africa Venuprasad Ramaiah, ARC Burkina Faso, Mali, Nigeria Rice drought tolerance
Agropolis May-10 Apr-14
WP 5 Project and information management Ibnou Dieng, ARC Burkina Faso, Mali, Nigeria Rice drought tolerance
Agropolis May-10 Apr-14
G4009.09 A Community of Practice for strengthening rice breeding programmes by using genotyping building strategy and improving phenotyping capacity for biotic and abiotic stresses in the Mekong region Jonaliza Lanceras-Siangliw, BIOTEC Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand Rice drought tolerance
soil acidity
disease resistance
G4010.04/G4010.01.01 Identification of novel QTLs for salinity tolerance and pyramiding with submergence tolerance to develop improved rice varieties for Bangladesh. Fellowship Bangladesh Rice salt tolerance
submergence tolerance
BAU, BRRI, IRRI Mar-10 Mar-13
G7010.04.01/ G4009.02.01 Study of Burkina Faso rice landraces diversity and breeding for resistance to Rice Yellow Mottle Virus (RYMV) Fellowship Burkina Faso Rice disease resistance Agropolis Mar-09 February 2011; NCE: June 2011
Discovery and development of alleles contributing to sorghum drought tolerance Andrew H Paterson, UGA Global Sorghum drought tolerance
DSR Nov-08 October 2011; NCE: December 2012
G4008.02 Phenotyping sorghum reference set for drought tolerance HD Upadhyaya, ICRISAT Global Sorghum drought tolerance
IER, ISRA/CERAAS, KARI, NPGRC, UAS Jan-08 December 2010; NCE: May 2012
G4008.46 Sorghum MAGIC: Multiparent advanced generation inter-cross development for gene discovery and allele validation C Tom Hash, ICRISAT Global Sorghum Aug-08 July 2010; NCE: February 2011
G4008.48 Improve sorghum productivity in semi-arid environments of Mali through integrated MARS Jean-Fran Mali Sorghum drought tolerance
IER, Syngenta Aug-08 July 2013; NCE: October 2014
Development and evaluation of drought-adapted sorghum germplasm for Africa and Australia David Jordan and Andrew Borrell, DPI&F/UQ Africa, Australia Sorghum drought tolerance Agropolis Jul-09 Jun-12
G7010.05.01 Enhancing sorghum grain yield and quality for the Sudano-Sahelian zone of West Africa using the backcross nested association mapping (BCNAM) approach Niaba T Mali Sorghum drought tolerance
Jan-10 Jun-14
Generating new wheat germplasm with enhanced drought/heat tolerance using AB genomes genetic diversity SC Misra, ARI Global Wheat drought/heat tolerance
CIMMYT, PBI_UoS, UAS Nov-08 October 2011; NCE: October 2012
G3008.08 Breeder-friendly high-throughput phenotyping tools to select for wheat adaptive traits in drought environments Francis Ogbonnaya, (ICARDA);

Co-PI: M Fernanda Dreccer, CSIRO
Global Wheat drought CIMMYT, CAS Nov-08 October 2011; NCE: June 2013
G4008.03 Precision phenotyping of the GCP spring wheat reference sample for drought Susanne Dreisigacker, CIMMYT Global Wheat various traits INRA January 2008
December 2010;
NCE: March 2011
G7009.01 Examining natural variation in the transcriptional regulation of drought responses in wheat Peter Langridge, ACPFG Global Wheat drought tolerance CIMMYT, ICS Jan-09 Dec-11
G7010.02.01 Breeding and selection strategies to combine and validate quantitative trait loci for water-use efficiency and heat tolerance of wheat in China Ruilian Jing, NFCRI & ICS China Wheat drought tolerance
heat tolerance
water-use efficiency
CIMMYT, HAAS Apr-10 Mar-14
Molecular breeding and selection strategies to combine and validate quantitative trait loci for improving water-use efficiency and heat tolerance of wheat in India K Vinod Prabhu, IARI India Wheat drought tolerance
heat tolerance
water-use efficiency
ARI July 2010
G3008.02 Improving grain yield on acid soils by the identification of genetic factors underlying drought and aluminium tolerance in maize and sorghum Leon Kochian, CU/USDA Global Maize, Sorghum Drought tolerance
Al tolerance
EMBRAPA, MU/KARI Nov-08 October 2011; NCE: October 2012
G3008.04 Drought from a different perspective: Improved tolerance through Phosphoros acquisition Sigrid Heuer, IRRI Global Rice drought tolerance
Phosphorous defficiency
ICABIOGRD, JIRCAS, UoP/MPI-MP Nov-08 October 2011; NCE: October 2012
G4008.10 Assessment of the breeding value of superior haplotypes for AltSB, a major Al tolerance gene in sorghum: linking upstream genomics to acid soil breeding in Niger and Mali (ALTFIELD) Robert Schaffert, EMBRAPA Niger, Mali Sorghum Aluminium tolerance ICRISAT, INRAN January 2008
December 2010; NCE: December 2011
G7009.07 Cloning, characterisation and validation of AltSB/Al tolerance in rice Leon Kochian and Susan McCouch, CU/USDA Global Rice Aluminium tolerance ICABIOGRD Oct-09 Mar-12
G7010.03.01 Cloning, characterisation and validation of Pup1/P efficiency in maize Leon Kochian, CU/USDA Global Maize Phosphorous efficiency EMBRAPA, IRRI, JIRCAS, MU/KARI Apr-10 Mar-14
G7010.03.02 Cloning, characterisation and validation of AltSB/Al tolerance in maize Claudia Guim Global Maize Al tolerance CU/USDA Apr-10 Mar-12
G7010.03.03 Establishing a molecular breeding program based on the aluminum tolerance gene AltSB and the P efficiency QTL, Pup-1, for increasing sorghum production in Sub-Saharan Africa Eva Weltzien, ICRISAT Africa Sorghum Al tolerance
Phosphorous efficiency
CU/USDA Apr-10 Mar-14
G7010.03.04 Developing rice with dual tolerance of phosphorus deficiency and aluminum toxicity: marker-assisted pyramiding of Pup1 with novel tolerance QTLs Sigrid Heuer, IRRI Asia Rice phosphorous deficiency
Al tolerance
CU/USDA Apr-10 Mar-14
G7010.03.05 Marker-assisted backcrossing for improving phosphorous-use efficiency and tolerance to aluminium toxicity via Pup-1 and AltSB genes in maize Samuel Gudu, MU/KARI Global Maize Al tolerance
Phosphorous efficiency
G7010.03.06 Improving phosphorus efficiency in sorghum by the identification and validation of sorghum homologs for Pup1, a major QTL underlying phosphorus uptake in rice, and identification of other P efficiency QTLs Jurandir Magalh Global Sorghum Phosphorous efficiency CU/USDA Apr-10 Mar-14
G4008.07 Genomic resources and mapping populations developed and assembled for pearl millet to enable trait/gene identification C Tom Hash, ICRISAT Africa, Latin America, Asia pearl millet
various traits AICPMIP January 2008
December 2009 (final report submitted in 2011)
G4007.07 Marker-assisted selection for sweet-potato virus disease (SPVD) resistance in sweet-potato germplasm and breeding populations Wolfgang Gr various regions sweet potatoes
SPVD resistance
CSIRO, NaCRRI August 2007
July 2010;
NCE: June 2011
G4008.05 Connecting performance under drought with genotypes through phenotype associations Arvind Kumar, IRRI Asia rice
drought tolerance
Agropolis January 2008
December 2010;
NCE: June 2012
G4008.15 Developing potato cultivars adapted to Southern Africa countries F Vilar Southern Africa countries potato
various traits CIP, DARTS, EMBRAPA, IIAM, INIA_C, INTA_A Jan-08 December 2009
NCE: November 2011
G4006.36 Capacity-building and research project:
Academic position in molecular breeding supported.
Mark Laing , ACCI Africa Global Global Jan-07 December 2011; NCE: March 2012
G4008.37 PhD in plant breeding training at the West Africa Centre for Crop Improvement Eric Y Danquah, WACCI Africa Global Global CU, UG Mar-08 Feb-14
G4009.08 Plant Breeding: concepts & methods Theresa Fulton, IGD Global Global CropGen International Nov-09 Jun-11
G4007.01 Genotyping validation of the GCP reference sets
Jean-Francois Rami, Agropolis_CIRAD Global Various Various BI, CIAT, CIMMYT, CIP, ICARDA, ICRISAT, IITA, IRRI, UCR Jan-07 December 2008; NCE: October 2011
G4010.02 Potential benefits of marker-assisted selection technologies on wheat, sorghum, cassava, and rice, and of the Integrated Breeding Platform George W. Norton, VT Global Sorghum, Cassava, Rice Various IFPRI May-10 Dec 2011; NCE: June 2012
G4011.02 Seed increase for interspecific chromosome segment substiution lines (CSSSLs) of rice at CIAT M Lorieux, Agropolis Rice Apr-11 Sep-11
G8009.01.01 Activity 1.1.1: Establish and manage the IBP Graham McLaren, GCP Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
Activity 1.1.2: Develop and deploy the IBP web portal Fred Okono, GCP Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.01.03 Activity 1.1.3: Establish IBP Helpdesk and coordinate training and communication activities Graham McLaren and Ndeye Ndack Diop, GCP Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.01.04 Activity 1.1.4: Establish and support crop molecular breeding communities of practice Ndeye Ndack Diop, GCP Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.02.01 Activity 2.1.1: Identify, deploy and support tools to facilitate the management of germplasm lists, pedigrees, intellectual property and other passport data Shawn Yates and Fran Clarke, AAFC Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.02.02 Activity 2.1.2: Identify, deploy and support tools to manage phenotypic characterisation and evaluation H S Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.02.03 Activity 2.1.3: Identify, deploy and support tools to manage genotypic characterisation Trushar Shah, ICRISAT Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.01 Activity 2.2.1: Develop and deploy an IB WorkBench Administration & Configuration Application Graham McLaren, GCP Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.01 Subactivity Develop an IB Workflow Administration Application H Sanchez, CIMMYT Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.01 Subactivity Develop IB Project Configuration Application H Sanchez, CIMMYT Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.01 Subactivity Develop Database back-end for the IB workflow H Sanchez, CIMMYT Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.02 Activity 2.2.2: Develop and deploy an IB Management System Application Graham McLaren, GCP Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.02 Subactivity Develop Breeding Manager Application H Sanchez, CIMMYT Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.02 Subactivity Develop Geneaology Manager Application G Ye, IRRI Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.02 Subactivity Develop Query Manager Application C Liang, IRRI Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.03 Activity 2.2.3: Develop and deploy an IB Field Trial Management System Application Graham McLaren, GCP Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.03 Subactivity: Develop a Trial FieldBook Application H Sanchez, CIMMYT Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.03 Subactivity: Develop an Environment Characterisation System Application G McLaren, GCP Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.04 Activity 2.2.4: Develop and deploy an IB Genotypic Data Management System Application G McLaren, GCP Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.04 Subactivity Develop a Genotypic Data Management Application Trushar Shah, ICRISAT Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.05 Activity 2.2.5: Develop and deploy an IB Analytical Pipeline Application Activity Leader: Delphine Fleury (ACPFG/GCP) Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.05 Subactivity Develop a Data Management Application FA v Eeuwijk (WUR)/G Ye (IRRI) Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.05 Subactivity Develop a Phenotypic data Analysis Application FA v Eeuwijk (WUR)/G Ye (IIRI) Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.05 Subactivity Develop a Molecular Genetic Analysis Application FA v Eeuwijk (WUR)/G Ye (IIRI) Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.05 Subactivity Develop a Selection Indices Application FA v Eeuwijk (WUR)/G Ye (IIRI) Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.06 Activity 2.2.6 Develop and deploy an IB Decision Support System Application Delphine Fleury (ACPFG/GCP) Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.06 Subactivity Develop Breeding Decision Support Applications T Shah (ICRISAT) Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.06 Subactivity Develop MARS Decision Support Application Alain Charcosset (CIRAD) Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.06 Subactivity Develop Simulation Application M Dieters (UoQ) Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.05.01 Activity 3.1.1: Genetic Resources Support Service Jean Christophe Glaszmann, Agropolis Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.05.02 Activity 3.1.2: Marker Services Chunlin He, GCP Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.05.03 Activity 3.1.3: Trait and metabolite services Xavier Delannay, GCP Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.06.01 Activity 3.2.1: Breeding Plan Development Xavier Delannay, GCP Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.06.02 Activity 3.2.2: Information Mgt Arllet Portugal, GCP Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.06.03 Activity 3.2.3: Data curation Arllet Portugal, GCP Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.06.04 Activity 3.2.4: Design & analysis Marcos Malosetti, WUR Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.06.05 Activity 3.2.5: Phenotyping sites & screening protocols) Xavier Delannay, GCP Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.06.06 Activity 3.2.6: Genotying Support Service Chunlin He, GCP Global Global Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.06.07 Activity 3.2.7: IP & Policy Helpdesk L Butler, GCP Global AAFC, Agropolis Jul-09 Jul-14
G4008.32 Quality management procedures in GCP research laboratories promoted J Smith, FERA Global Global Global CIMMYT, FERA Jul-08 June 2009; NCE: July 2011
G4011.01/ G4011.10
Enhancement and implementation of the Crop Ontology for data integration and data interoperability, and expanding its use within communities of practice and to partners to integrate datasets for GCP priority crops through the IBP Elizabeth Arnaud, Bioversity Global Global Global CIMMYT, CIP, IRRI, CIAT, IATA, NCRI,
Plant Ontology Consortium,
NERC Environmental Bioinformatics Centre, University of Manchester
Jan-10 Dec-12
Devt of Integrated SNP Mining and Utilization (ISMU) pipeline based on next generation sequencing (NGS) and high-throughput (HTP) genotyping technologies for facilitating molecular breeding Rajeev Varshney and Trushar Shah, ICRISAT Global Global Global ICRISAT, NCGR, SCRI, UoQ Sep-10 Oct-13
G4011.09 Developent of a Genotyping Data Management System (GDMS) Trushar Shah, ICRISAT CIMMYT, GCP, Hutton, IRRI, NCGR, SCRI Dec-11 Nov-13
G8009.04.01/G4006.16 Activity 2.3.1: Establish middleware infrastructure for networking databases and applications C Liang, IRRI
(This project succeeds G4006.16, which ended December 2009)
Global Global Global CIMMYT, ICRISAT Jul-09 Jul-14

To sort by column, click the column header. You can also search for any keyword by typing it into the search box to the right.

Project # Project Title Principal Investigator Target Countries Target Crops Target Traits Partners Start End
G7010.01.01 Improvement and evaluation of the existing cassava reference set for Africa Morag Ferguson, IITA Africa Cassava drought tolerance
biotic stress
CRI Apr-10 Mar-13
G7009.10/ G7010.01.02 Improving and deploying markers for biotic traits Chiedozie Egesi, NRCRI Nigeria, Tanzania, Ghana Cassava drought tolerance,
biotic traits
NRTP March 2010
G7009.09/ G7010.01.03 Implement MARS projects for drought tolerance Emmanuel Okogbenin, NRCRI Nigeria, Tanzania, Ghana Cassava drought tolerance,
biotic traits
CRI December 2009
G7010.01.04 Phenotyping cassava for drought tolerance to identify QTLs Alfredo Alves, EMBRAPA Cassava drought tolerance CIAT, CU, Embrapa/CNPMF, Embrapa/CPATSA, IITA Apr-10 Mar-12
A cassava breeding community of practice in Africa for accelerated production and dissemination of farmer-preferred cassava varieties resistant to pests and diseases Emmanuel Okogbenin, NRCRI Ghana, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda Cassava drought tolerance
pest resistance
disease resistance
CRI Jan-08 December 2014
G6007.03 Improve common bean productivity for marginal environments in sub-Saharan Africa S Beebe, CIAT Kenya, Ethiopia, Malawi, Zimbabwe beans drought tolerance
disease & pest resistance
CBI May-07 Apr-10
G6007.04 Improve chickpea (Cicer arietinum L) productivity for marginal environments in sub-Saharan Africa Rajeev Varshney, GCP/ICRISAT chickpeas
drought and disease resistance DArT P/L, EIAR, EgU, IIPR, LZARDI, UC May-07 Apr-10
G6007.02 Improve cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L) productivity for marginal environments in sub-Saharan Africa ( Jeff Ehlers, UC cowpeas drought and disease resistance IITA, INERA, IRAD, ISRA May-07 Apr-10
G7009.05 Improving cowpea productivity for marginal environments in sub-Saharan Africa 2009 Jeff Ehlers, UC cowpeas drought and disease resistance IITA, INERA, IRAD, ISRA Jul-09 Jun-10
G6007.01 Improve groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L) productivity for marginal environments in sub-Saharan Africa Vincent Vadez, ICRISAT groundnuts drought and disease resistance Agropolis May-07 Apr-10
G4009.06 Illumina genotyping of SNPs in legume mapping populations and germplasm Doug Cook, UC Beans, chickpeas, cowpeas, groundnuts drought and disease resistance CIAT, EMBRAPA, ICRISAT Nov-09 Oct-10
G6007.05 Develop cross-species resources for comparative biology in tropical crop legumes Doug Cook, UC_D various crops (legumes)
drought and disease resistance UCB, UGA May-07 Apr-10
G6007.06 Provide training and capacity-building for SSA scientists Carmen de Vicente, GCP various crops (legumes)
drought and disease resistance NARS: ARI May-07 Apr-10
G6010.03 Improve common bean productivity for marginal environments in sub-Saharan Africa S Beebe, CIAT Kenya, Ethiopia, Malawi, Zimbabwe Common bean drought tolerance
disease & pest resistance
May-10 May-14
G6010.04 Improve chickpea productivity for marginal environments in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia RK Varshney, ICRISAT Kenya, Ethiopia, India Chickpea drought tolerance
disease & pest resistance
ICRISAT, EgU, EIAR, IIPR, NCGR (service provider), UoC May-10 May-14
G7010.06.01 Accelerating development of genomic resources and strengthening NARS partner capacities for enhancing adoption of molecular breeding for drought tolerance in chickpea Rajeev K Varshney, ICRISAT Kenya, Ethiopia, India Chickpea drought tolerance
disease & pest resistance
G6010.02 Improve cowpea productivity for marginal environments in sub-Saharan Africa Jeff Ehlers, UoC Mozambique, Senegal, Burkina Faso Cowpea drought tolerance
disease & pest resistance
UC-R, UEM, ISRA, INERA May-10 May-14
G7010.07.01 Improving Cowpea Productivity for Marginal Environments in Africa (2009 Jeff Ehlers, UoC-Riverside Mozambique, Senegal, Burkina Faso Cowpea UC-R, UEM, ISRA, INERA Jun-10 May-14
G6010.01 Improve groundnut productivity for marginal environments in sub-Saharan Africa Vincent Vadez, ICRISAT Tanzania, Senegal, Niger Groundnut drought tolerance
disease & pest resistance
Agropolis May-10 May-14
G6010.05 Cross-cutting crop activities (drought phenotyping, data management and capacity building) Ndeye Ndack Diop, GCP Kenya, Ethiopia, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Senegal, Burkina Faso Groundnut, Cowpea, Common bean, Chickea drought tolerance
disease & pest resistance
Agropolis May-10 May-14
G4008.56 Improving drought tolerance in maize for Asia Bindiganavile S Vivek, CIMMYT Asia Maize drought tolerance
ICERI, KSL, NMRI, NSFCRC, UPLB, Syngenta, YAAS Nov-08 Oct-13
Improving rice productivity in lowland ecosystems of Burkina Faso, Mali and Nigeria through marker-assisted recurrent selection for drought tolerance and yield potential Marie No Burkina Faso, Mali and Nigeria Rice drought tolerance
INERA May-10 Apr-14
G4008.48 Improve sorghum productivity in semi-arid environments of Mali through integrated MARS Jean-Fran Mali Sorghum drought tolerance
IER, Syngenta, CIRAD Aug-08 Jul-13
G7010.05.01 Enhancing sorghum grain yield and quality for the Sudano-Sahelian zone of West Africa using the backcross nested association mapping (BCNAM) approach Niaba T Mali Sorghum drought tolerance
IER, Agropolis Jan-10 Jun-14
G7010.02.01 Breeding and selection strategies to combine and validate quantitative trait loci for water-use efficiency and heat tolerance of wheat in China Ruilian Jing, CAAS China Wheat drought tolerance
heat tolerance
water use efficiency
Molecular breeding and selection strategies to combine and validate quantitative trait loci for improving water-use efficiency and heat tolerance of wheat in India Vinod Prabhu, IAR I India Wheat drought tolerance
heat tolerance
water use efficiency
G3008.02 Improving grain yield on acid soils by the identification of genetic factors underlying drought and aluminium tolerance in maize and sorghum Leon Kochian, CU/USDA Global Maize, Sorghum Drought tolerance
Al tolerance
CU/USDA Nov-08 Oct-11
G7009.07 Cloning, characterisation and validation of AltSB/Al tolerance in rice Leon Kochian/Susan McCouch, USDA Global Rice Aluminium tolerance ICABIOGRAD, USDA Oct-09 Mar-12
G7010.03.01 Cloning, characterisation and validation of Pup1/P efficiency in maize Leon Kochian, CU/USDA Global Maize Phosphorous efficiency CU/USDA Apr-10 Mar-14
G7010.03.02 Cloning, characterisation and validation of AltSB/Al tolerance in maize Claudia Guim Global Maize Al tolerance EMBRAPA, CU/USDA Apr-10 Mar-12
G7010.03.03 Establishing a molecular breeding program based on the aluminum tolerance gene AltSB and the P efficiency QTL, Pup-1, for increasing sorghum production in Sub-Saharan Africa Eva Weltzien, ICRISAT Africa Sorghum Al tolerance
Phosphorous efficiency
G7010.03.04 Improved rice cultivars for Asian problem soils: Pyramiding of major genes/ QTLs for tolerance to phosphorous deficiency and aluminium toxicity Sigrid Heuer, IRRI Asia Rice phosphorous deficiency
Al tolerance
G7010.03.05 Marker-assisted backcrossing for improving phosphorous-use efficiency and tolerance to aluminium toxicity via Pup-1 and AltSB genes in maize Samuel Gudu, MU/KARI Global Maize Al tolerance
Phosphorous efficiency
G7010.03.06 Improving phosphorus efficiency in sorghum by the identification and validation of sorghum homologs for Pup1, a major QTL underlying phosphorus uptake in rice, and identification of other P efficiency QTLs Jurandir Magalhaes, EMBRAPA Global Sorghum Phosphorous efficiency EMBRAPA, INRAN, MU/KARI, CU/USDA Apr-10 Mar-14
G4007.02 Validation of drought-response/resistance pathway genes by phenotypic analysis of mutants Andy Pereira, VBI Rice drought tolerance HAU, IRRI, VPI Aug-07 July 2009; NCE: January 2010
G4008.06 Single nucleotide polymorphism discovery Peggy Ozias-Akins, wef October 2010; Steven J Knapp, UGA Global Groundnuts multiple traits ICRISAT January 2008
G7009.06 Development of a SNP platform for molecular breeding in elite material of chickpea Douglas Cook, UC Ethiopia, Kenya, India Chickpea National Center for Genome Resources, ICRISAT Nov-09 Oct-11
G3007.03 Genetic and physical mapping resources produced for drought breeding in cassava Pablo Rabinowicz, UoM Africa, Asia, Latin America Cassava
drought tolerance ACGT Aug-07 Feb-10
G4008.07 Genomic resources and mapping populations developed and assembled for pearl millet to enable trait/gene identification C Tom Hash, ICRISAT Africa, Latin America, Asia pearl millet
various traits
December 2009;
Project under review
G4008.09 Genomic resources and mapping populations for sweet potato developed to enable trait/gene identification Roland Schafleitner, CIP (up to July 2010) sub-Saharan Africa sweet potatoes
drought and disease resistance
EMBRAPA, IIAM, INIA January 2008
December 2009;
NCE: June 2010
G4008.47 Genomic resources (ESTs, markers and maps) developed for pigeonpea to enable trait/gene identification Gregory D May, NCGR various regions pigeonpeas
drought and disease resistance
G3007.02 Genomic dissection of tolerance to drought stress in wild barley Robbie Waugh, SCRI various regions barley
drought tolerance
ICARDA, INIA August 2007
July 2009
NCE: July 2010
Discovery and development of alleles contributing to sorghum drought tolerance Andrew H Paterson, UGA Global Sorghum drought tolerance
G4008.08 Causal relationship between whole-genome expression patterns and stress tolerance determined in rice via analysis of near-isogenic lines (NILs) Shoshi Kikuchi, NIAS various regions rice
drought tolerance IRRI January 2008
December 2009;
NCE: December 2010
G7009.01 Examining natural variation in the transcriptional regulation of drought responses in wheat Peter Langridge, ACPFG Global Wheat drought tolerance ACPFG, CIMMYT, ICS Jan-09 Dec-11
G3008.03 Delayed senescence and drought tolerance in rice Eduardo Blumwald, UoC Global Rice drought tolerance UoC Nov-08 Oct-11
G3008.04 Drought from a different perspective: Improved tolerance through Phosphorous acquisition Sigrid Heuer, IRRI Global Rice drought tolerance
Phosphorous defficiency
Validation of QTLs associated with drought tolerance traits in chickpea Pooran M Gaur, ICRISAT Global Chickpea drought tolerance ICRISAT, ARS Jan-09 Dec-11
Development and evaluation of drought-adapted sorghum germplasm for Africa and Australia
David Jordan and Andrew Borrell, DPI&F Africa, Australia Sorghum drought tolerance DPI & F, Agropolis Jul-09 Jun-12
G3007.01 Base broadened of current crop diversity in rice using interspecific bridges with African rice Alain Ghesqui Africa, Asia rice
drought tolerance
ARC, CIAT, Fedearroz, IER, INERA, PAU, PhilRice, UoA August 2007
July 2009;
NCE: December 2010
Generating new wheat germplasm with enhanced drought/heat tolerance using AB genomes genetic diversity SC Misra, IARI Global Wheat drought/heat tolerance
CIMMYT, IARI Nov-08 Oct-11
G4006.01 Developing strategies for allele mining within large collections NR Sackville Hamilton, IRRI Global Rice IRRI, EMBRAPA, ICARDA, ICRISAT Jan-06 Aug-11
G4008.01 Populations for multiple allelic segregation developed in rice and sorghum through multiple parent intercrossing Hei Leung, IRRI (Project succeeded by G4008.46) various January 2008
December 2009;
NCE: December 2010
G4008.46 Sorghum MAGIC: Multiparent advanced generation inter-cross development for gene discovery and allele validation Tom Hash, ICRISAT Global Sorghum ICRISAT, NIAB Aug-08 Feb-11
G4008.42 DArTs developed as a genomewide molecular characterisation technology for crops with little sequence information JC Glaszmann, Agropolis_CIRAD various Agropolis January 2008
December 2009;
NCE: December 2010
G4008.02 Phenotyping sorghum reference set for drought tolerance HD Upadhyaya, ICRISAT Global sorghum ICRISAT, IER, ISRA/CERAAS, KARI, NPGRC, UAS Jan-08 Dec-11
G4008.03 Precision phenotyping of the GCP spring wheat reference sample for drought Susanne Dreisigacker, CIMMYT and regions wheat various traits INRA January 2008
December 2010;
NCE: March 2011
G4008.05 Connecting performance under drought with genotypes through phenotype associations Arvind Kumar, IRRI Asia rice
drought tolerance
Agropolis January 2008
December 2010;
NCE: June 2012
G4008.33 Drought tolerance phenotyping of the GCP maize inbred line reference set James Gethi, KARI Global Maize drought tolerance
KARI, Agropolis_INRA, CIMMYT, ETH Jan-08 Feb-11
G4008.45 A Nested Association Mapping (NAM) population of rice: laying the bases for highly efficient QTL characterisation Mathias Lorieux, IRD/CIAT Global Rice drought tolerance
ARC Aug-08 Jul-11
G3007.04:* Tailoring superior alleles for abiotic stress genes for deployment into breeding programmes Jurandir Vieira Magalh Africa and other developing regions sorghum
aluminium tolerance
IGD August 2007
July 2009;
NCE: December 2010
G4007.04 Association mapping of downy mildew resistance in elite maize inbred lines in Thailand Chalermpol Phumichai and Julapark Chunwongse, BIOTEC Asia maize
mildew resistance
NCSRC Aug-07 July 2009; NCE: December 2010
G4007.23 Field evaluation of wheat_barley introgression lines under different water regimes M various regions wheat, barley
drought, salt and aluminium tolerance
G4008.15 Developing potato cultivars adapted to Southern Africa countries F Vilar Southern Africa countries potato
various traits CIP, DARTS, EMBRAPA, IIAM, INIA_Chile, INTA_Argentina Jan-08 December 2009
NCE: November 2011
G3008.06 Targeting drought-avoidance root traits to enhance rice productivity under water-limited environments K McNally, IRRI Global Rice drought tolerance
water use efficiency
IRRI, ARC, BF, CSU, DRR, NagU, SUA, TNAU, UoAb, UoMi Nov-08 Oct-11
G3008.07 Basal root architecture and drought tolerance in common beans JP Lynch, PSU Global Beans drought tolerance
PSU, CIAT, IIAM, SABRN Nov-08 Oct-11
G3008.08 Breeder-friendly high-throughput phenotyping tools to select for wheat adaptive traits in drought environments Francis Ogbonnaya, (ICARDA);

Co-PI: M. Fernanda Dreccer, CSIRO
Global Wheat drought ICARDA
INRA-CRRA Centre Aridoculture (Settat, Morocco), EIAR
Nov-08 October 2011; NCE: June 2012
G4008.12 Linking genetic diversity with phenotype for drought tolerance traits through molecular and physiological characterisation of a diverse reference collection of chickpea Lakshmanan Krishnamurthy, ICRISAT Global Chickpeas drought tolerance ICRISAT, JIRCAS, UAS Jan-08 December 2009; NCE: September 2011
G4008.13: Improving drought tolerance phenotyping in cowpea Jeff Ehlers, UoC Mozambique, Senegal, Burkina Faso Cowpeas drought tolerance UoC Jan-08 Dec-10
G4008.14 Breeding for drought tolerance with known gene information Jiankang Wang, CIMMYT various various various Agropolis_INRA, CAAS, CSIRO, ICRISAT, IRRI, UQ January 2008
December 2009;
NCE: June 2010
G4008.34 Environmental assessment for the GCP phenotyping network Glenn Hyman, CIAT various various various EMBRAPA, KUL, WA Jan-08 December 2009;
NCE: June 2010
G4007.05 Bridging genomics, genetic resources and breeding to improve wheat and barley production in Morocco ( Fouad Abbad Andaloussi, INRA Africa wheat, barley
various traits CIMMYT, CU, ICARDA, UdB, UoMi January 2007
December 2009;
NCE: December 2010
G4007.06 Integrating marker-assisted selection into the conventional breeding procedure for improvement of wheat (Triticum aestivum L) in the drought-prone areas of Northern China Ruilian Jing, CAAS Asia wheat
drought tolerance
IDF Aug-07 Jul-10
G4008.10 Assessment of the breeding value of superior haplotypes for AltSB, a major Al tolerance gene in sorghum: linking upstream genomics to acid soil breeding in Niger and Mali (ALTFIELD) Robert Schaffert, EMBRAPA Niger, Mali Sorghum Aluminium tolerance ICRISAT, INRAN January 2008
G3007.05 Detecting and fine-mapping QTLs with major effects on rice yield under drought stress for deployment via marker-aided breeding Arvind Kumar, IRRI Global Rice drought tolerance
G4007.07 Marker-assisted selection for sweet potato virus disease (SPVD) resistance in sweet potato germplasm and breeding populations Wolfgang Gr various regions sweet potatoes
SPVD resistance
NaCRRI August 2007
July 2010;
NCE: June 2011
G4008.11 Dry bean improvement and marker-assisted breeding for diseases and abiotic stresses in Central America and the Caribbean Jorge A Acosta-Gallegos, INIFAP Mexico Beans drought tolerance
disease & pest resistance
INIFAP, CIAT, INTA Jan-08 Jul-11
G4008.17 Application of marker-assisted selection for Striga resistance in cowpeas Jean-Baptiste Tignegre, INERA Africa cowpeas
Striga resistance
IITA January 2008
December 2009;
NCE: December 2010
G4008.19 Incorporation of an MSV-resistance gene in Mozambican maize varieties, mediated by use of MAS Mark Laing, UKZN Africa maize
MSV resistance
IIAM Jan-08 Dec-10
G8009.01.02 Activity 1.1.2: Develop and deploy the Integrated Breeding Portal D Gonz Global Global Global AAFC, CIRAD, INRA and ICIS development team), BI, CAAS, CIAT, CIMMYT, Consultants, CSIRO, CU, EMBRAPA, ICRISAT, IRRI, IRRI Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.06.02 Activity 3.2.2: Information Mgt A Portugal, GCP Global Global Global Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.06.04 Activity 3.2.4: Design & analysis Marcos Malosetti, WUR Global Global Global Jul-09 Jul-14
G4008.31 Upgrading the quality and utility of GCP phenotyping data through the development of a data input template to facilitate the storage of data in crop-specific databases Robert Koebner, CropGen International global global global N/A February 2008
January 2009;
NCE: January 2010
G4008.32: Quality management procedures in GCP research laboratories promoted J Smith, FERA Global Global Global CIMMYT, FERA Jul-08 Jul-11
Enhancement and implementation of the Crop Ontology for data integration and data interoperability Elizabeth Arnaud, Bioversity Global Global Global CIMMYT, CIP, IRRI, CIAT, IATA, NCRI,
Plant Ontology Consortium,
NERC Environmental Bioinformatics Centre, University of Manchester
Jan-10 Dec-11
G8009.06.03 Activity 3.2.3: Data curation Arllet Portugal, GCP Global Global Global Jul-09 Jul-14
G3008.09 Breeding drought tolerance for rainfed lowland rice in the Mekong region Boonrat Jongdee, BRRD Mekong Delta Rice drought tolerance
BRRD, CARDI, NAFRI, UQ Nov-08 Oct-11
G4008.21 Largescale phylogenomic analyses tools developed for gene function prediction for GCP crops Mathieu Rouard, Bioversity global global global Agropolis_CIRAD January 2008
December 2009;
NCE: February 2010
Devt of Integrated SNP Mining and Utilization (ISMU) pipeline based on next generation sequencing (NGS) and high-throughput (HTP) genotyping technologies for facilitating molecular breeding Rajeev Varshney and Trushar Shah, ICRISAT Global Global Global ICRISAT, NCGR, SCRI, UoQ Sep-10 Aug-11
G8009.03.01 Activity 2.2.1: Develop and deploy statistical and genetic analysis methodology for molecular breeding Activity Leader: Fred van Eeuwijk, WUR various various various CIMMYT Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.02 Activity 2.2.2: Develop and deploy cross prediction and selection methodology for molecular breeding Activity Leader: Alain Charcosset, Agropolis various various various N/A Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.03 Activity 2.2.3: Develop and deploy simulation tools for complex G Activity Leader: Mark Dieters, UQ various various various CAAS, CIMMYT, CSIRO Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.04.01 Integrated GCP informatics platform created C Liang, IRRI wef July 2010; previous PI: Guy Davenport, CIMMYT (This project succeeds G4006.16, which ended June 2009) Global Global Global CIMMYT, ICRISAT Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.02.01 Activity 2.1.1: Identify, deploy and support tools facilitating management of germplasm lists, pedigrees, intellectual property and other passport data Shawn Yates and Fran Clarke, AAFC Global Global Global Jul-09 Jun-12
G8009.02.02 Activity 2.1.2: Identify, deploy and support tools for management of phenotypic characterisation and evaluation H Sanchez, CIMMYT Global Global Global Jul-09 Jun-12
G8009.02.03 Activity 2.1.3: Identify, deploy and support tools for management of genotypic characterisation Trushar Shah, ICRISAT Global Global Global Jul-09 Jun-12
G8009.04.03 Activity 2.3.3: Information network and configurable workflow system for molecular breeding developed and deployed G McLaren, GCP; Guy Davenport (up to August 2010), CIMMYT Global Global Global CIMMYT, IRRI Jul-09 Jul-14
G4007.20 Managing the Generation Challenge Programme in a Post-International Treaty World: A proposal for a technical training workshop and related materials Michael Halewood, Bioversity global global global CAS Aug-07 July 2008; NCE: October 2010
G4008.50 Delivery Plan remote learning modules Lawrence Pratt, CIMS global global global CU Aug-08 July 2009; NCE: August 2010
G4009.08 Plant Breeding: concepts & methods Theresa Fulton, IGD Global Global IGD Nov-09 Jun-11
G4010.04 Enhancing capacity for use of advance genotyping for fine-mapping and pyramiding of major salt tolerant QTLs through MABC for the development of durable saline tolerant rice varieties Zeba I Seraj, UoD Bangladesh Rice salt tolerance
UoD, BRRI, IRRI Jul-10 Jun-11
G4009.07 Capacity building Carmen de Vicente, GCP (up to October 2010) Oct-09 Oct-10
G4009.07.01 Capacity-building Steve Beebe, CIAT Ethiopia, Zimbabwe Beans drought tolerance
CIAT, CBI Oct-09 Oct-11
G4009.07.02 Capacity-building Jeffrey D Ehlers, UoC Senegal, Mozambique Cowpeas drought tolerance UC-Riverside, ISRA, UEM Oct-09 Oct-11
G4009.07.03 Capacity-building Rajeev K Varshney, ICRISAT Kenya, Ethiopia Chickpeas drought tolerance EIAR, EgU, ICRISAT Oct-09 Oct-11
G4009.07.04 Ensuring ‘good’ and relevant phenotypic data to feed molecular breeders: The need for long-term training of scientists of NARS partners to TLI; PI: Vincent Vadez, ICRISAT Vincent Vadez, ICRISAT sub-Saharan Africa groundnuts
drought tolerance
ARI December 2009
G4008.39 Capacity-building Carmen de Vicente, GCP (up to October 2010) Apr-08 Apr-10
G4008.39.01 Enhancing MAS capacity for salt-stress rice breeding in Bangladesh MA Salam, BRRI Asia rice
salt tolerance
IRRI, UoD Apr-08 March 2009; NCE: March 2010
G4008.39.02 Improving capacity for phenotyping for abiotic and biotic stress in Burkina Faso Issa Drabo, INERA Africa cowpeas
various traits
IITA, UC April 2008 Apr-10
G4008.39.03 Improving capacity for phenotyping for abiotic and biotic stress in Senegal Ndiaga Ciss Africa cowpeas
various traits
UC April 2008
April 2010;
NCE: December 2010
G4008.43 Improve cowpea productivity for marginal environments in Mozambique Rog Africa cowpeas
drought tolerance PSU, UC Jul-08 Jun-10
G4007.13.04 Characterisation of maize germplasm found in Ghana, using the bulking technique Allen Oppong, CRI Africa cassava
various traits
July 2007
July 2009;
NCE: July 2010
G4007.13.05 An integrated proteomics and genomics approach to discover salt tolerance genes Ghasem Hosseini Salekdeh, ABRII Asia rice
salt tolerance IRRI, IPK July 2007
July 2009;
NCE: August 2010
G4007.13.06 Enhancing capacity of ICABIOGRAD in phenotyping and molecular analysis to develop elite rice lines suitable to Indonesian uplands Masdiar Bustamam, ICABIOGRAD Asia rice
blast resistance
IRRI July 2007
July 2009;
NCE: March 2010
G4008.37 PhD in plant breeding training at the West Africa Centre for Crop Improvement Eric Y Danquah, WACCI Africa Global Global AfricaRice Mar-08 Feb-14
G4009.02.01 Fellowship Kam Honor Burkina Faso Rice disease resistance CIRAD, INERA-BF, IRD, UKZN Mar-09 Mar-11
G4010.01.01 Fellowship Armin Bhuiya, BRRI Bangladesh Rice salt tolerance
submergence tolerance
BAU, BRRI, IRRI Mar-10 Mar-12
G4009.02.04 Travel Grant Carmen de Vicente, GCP; Roberto Tuberosa, UNIBO various various various CBS, CSIR, EgU, ICAR, ICRISAT, INRA, NRCRI, UTM Feb-10 May-10
G4010.01.02 Travel Grant Carmen de Vicente, GCP; Zhikang Li, CAAS various various various AGI, BRAC, CBI, CRI Aug-10 Sep-10
G4006.36 Capacity-building and research project:
Academic position in molecular breeding supported.
Mark Laing , ACCI Africa Global Global ACCI Jan-07 Dec-11
A cassava breeding community of practice in Africa for accelerated production and dissemination of farmer-preferred cassava varieties resistant to pests and diseases (overlaps with cassava RI) Emmanuel Okogbenin, NRCRI Ghana, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda Cassava drought tolerance
pest resistance
disease resistance
CRI Jan-08 December 2014
G4009.09 The Community of Practice strengthening rice breeding programme using genotyping building strategy and improving phenotyping capacity for biotic and abiotic stresses in the Mekong region Jonaliza Lanceras-Siangliw, RGDU Mekong region Rice drought tolerance
soil acidity
disease resistance
G4008.35 Toolbox of available molecular markers useful for marker-assisted selection in GCP crops (Extension: G4010.03) Veerle Van Damme, Consultant various various various GCP Mar-08 Mar-10
G4010.03 GCP Molecular Marker Toolkit (Extends G4008.35) Veerle Van Damme, Consultant various various various GCP July 2010
October 2010;
NCE: December 2010
G8009.06.06 Activity 3.2.6: Genotying Support Service (This project succeeds G4007.21, which ended in 2008, and G4009.01, which ended in 2009) Chunlin He, wef October 2010/Humberto G Global Global Global Beneficiaries: BCKV, CIBE Jul-09 Jul-14
G4007.22.04 Development and implementation of a GCP workflow and repository system Carmen de Vicente, GCP global global global Cropster GmbH (service provider) Jun-09 Jul-10
G4006.13 Targeting and impact analysis of GCP technologies Glenn Hyman, CIAT global global global CIMMYT, IFPRI, IRRI Nov-06 October 2007; NCE: March 2010
G4008.24 A strategic assessment of the capacity to develop and adopt GCP technologies Stanley Wood, IFPRI various various various CIAT, VPI January 2008
December 2009;
NCE: April 2010
G4007.01 Genotyping validation of the GCP reference sets
Jean-Francois Rami, Agropolis _ CIRAD Global Various Various Agropolis _ CIRAD, BI, CIAT, CIMMYT, CIP, ICARDA, ICRISAT, IITA, IRRI, UoC Jan-07 May-11
G4010.02 Potential Benefits of Marker-Assisted Selection Technologies on Wheat, Sorghum, Cassava, and Rice, and of the Integrated Breeding Platform George W. Norton, VPI Global Sorghum, Cassava, Rice Various VPI, IFPRI May-10 Dec-11
G8009.01.01 Activity 1.1.1: Establishment of the Integrated Breeding Platform Graham McLaren, GCP Global Global Global AAFC, CIRAD, INRA and ICIS development team), BI, CAAS, CIAT, CIMMYT, Consultants, CSIRO, CU, EMBRAPA, ICRISAT, IRRI, IRRI Jul-09 Jul-10
Activity 1.1.2: Develop and deploy the Integrated Breeding Portal D Gonz Global Global Global AAFC, CIRAD, INRA and ICIS development team), BI, CAAS, CIAT, CIMMYT, Consultants, CSIRO, CU, EMBRAPA, ICRISAT, IRRI, IRRI Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.01.03 Activity 1.1.3: Establish Integrated Breeding Platform helpdesk and coordinate training and communication activities Ndeye Ndack Diop, GCP Global Global Global AAFC, CIRAD, INRA and ICIS development team), BI, CAAS, CIAT, CIMMYT, Consultants, CSIRO, CU, EMBRAPA, ICRISAT, IRRI, IRRI Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.01.04 Activity 1.1.4: Establish and support crop molecular breeding communities of practice Ndeye Ndack Diop, GCP Global Global Global AAFC, CIRAD, INRA and ICIS development team), BI, CAAS, CIAT, CIMMYT, Consultants, CSIRO, CU, EMBRAPA, ICRISAT, IRRI, IRRI Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.02.01 Activity 2.1.1: Identify, deploy and support tools facilitating management of germplasm lists, pedigrees, intellectual property and other passport data Shawn Yates and Fran Clarke, AAFC Global Global Global Jul-09 Jun-12
G8009.02.02 Activity 2.1.2: Identify, deploy and support tools for management of phenotypic characterisation and evaluation H Sanchez, CIMMYT Global Global Global Jul-09 Jun-12
G8009.02.03 Activity 2.1.3: Identify, deploy and support tools for management of genotypic characterisation Trushar Shah, ICRISAT Global Global Global Jul-09 Jun-12
G8009.03.01 Activity 2.2.1: Develop and deploy statistical and genetic analysis methodology for molecular breeding Activity Leader: Fred van Eeuwijk, WUR various various various CIMMYT Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.03.02 Activity 2.2.2: Develop and deploy cross prediction and selection methodology for molecular breeding Activity Leader: Alain Charcosset, Agropolis various various various N/A Jul-09 Jul-14
*G8009.03.03 Activity 2.2.3: Develop and deploy simulation tools for complex G Activity Leader: Mark Dieters, UQ various various various CAAS, CSIRO Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.04.01 Activity 2.3.1: Establish middleware infrastructure for networking databases and applications C Liang, IRRI wef July 2010; Guy Davenport,
CIMMYT. (This project succeeds G4006.16, which ended December 2009)
various various various CIMMYT, ICRISAT Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.04.02 Activity 2.3.2: Integration and development of visualisation and decision-support applications H Sanchez, G Davenport (up to August 2010), CIMMYT various various various ICRISAT Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.04.03 Activity 2.3.3: Implement a configurable workflow system (CWS) for molecular breeding G McLaren, GCP, Guy Davenport (up to August 2010), CIMMYT various various various AAFC, ICRISAT Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.05.01 Activity 3.1.1: Genetic Resources Support Service Jean Christophe Glaszmann, Agropolis Global Global Global Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.05.02 Activity 3.1.2: Marker Services Chunlin He, wef October 2010/Humberto G Global Global Global Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.05.03 Activity 3.1.3 Trait and metabolite services Leader: Xavier Delannay, GCP Global Global Global Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.06.01 Activity 3.2.1: Breeding Plan Development Xavier Delannay, GCP Global Global Global Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.06.02 Activity 3.2.2: Information Mgt A Portugal, GCP Global Global Global Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.06.03 Activity 3.2.3: Data curation Arllet Portugal, GCP Global Global Global Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.06.04 Activity 3.2.4: Design & analysis Marcos Malosetti, WUR Global Global Global Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.06.05 Activity 3.2.5: Phenotyping sites & screening protocols) Xavier Delannay, GCP Global Global Global Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.06.06 Activity 3.2.6: Genotying Support Service Chunlin He, GCP Global Global Global Jul-09 Jul-14
G8009.06.07 Activity 3.2.7: IP & Policy Helpdesk Chunlin He, GCP Global Jul-09 Jul-14


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