E-learning course: Pre-Breeding for Effective Use of Plant Genetic Resources


An announcement from Bioversity International:

"In response to increasing demand for capacity building on pre-breeding, the Global Partnership Initiative on Plant Breeding Capacity Building (GIPB) has just launched an e-learning course on Pre-breeding for effective use of plant genetic resources for plant breeders and germplasm curators and others engaged in germplasm management and/or crop improvement. It can also be used for teaching and learning about pre-breeding both in formal education and on-the-job training.

We believe that this practical, self-paced instructional tool would be of interest to your web site users, partners and collaborators. For more information about the course, icon click here for the brochure. You can access the e-course or request a copy of the course on CD from the GIPB web site here."