RUFORUM Community Action Research Programme (CARP) has released its First Call for Concept Notes. The purpose of the Programme is to demonstrate innovative approaches towards strengthened University engagement with development practice in Eastern and Southern Africa.
Initially, priority will be given to projects that focus on scaling-up and out research outputs from the most successful RUFORUM CGS projects. Potential themes should address a specific project that could include either strengthening institutions or addressing commercialisation, food security or sustainability. Projects to be funded will be action research closely linking participating university researchers with all stakeholders along the value chain, including national and international research and development agencies, where appropriate.
Key eligibility criteria:
- Concept notes must be submitted by a team of experts, amongst which the Principal Investigators (PI) must be PhD holders (or in exceptional cases Full Professor without PhD), and in full-time employment in any one of the RUFORUM member universities.
- Applications must demonstrate partnerships with other institutions, faculties and/or departments, whether local, regional or international. Partners may include private universities, government departments, local and international research centres, NGOs/CBOs and agencies or other relevant institutions.
Deadline for Concept Note submission: 15th February 2010.