Our logo explained, or skip directly to our distinctive artwork
The colours and graphic elements of the GCP logo symbolise the following:
- The person/plant is outlined by a helix, which represents that DNA is the source of all life, linking people and plants. Plant genetic diversity is key to human life.
- Green symbolises agriculture and plants
- The blue graphic represents people, while the blue colour also symbolises water, in recognition of the importance of drought-tolerance work: people and plants both need water, but there is less water; therefore we need drought-tolerant plants.
- The ellipse ‘orbit’ element around the helix/plant/person collage conveys a feeling of motion, of moving into the future, of momentum, symbolising the use of new technologies in GCP.
The logo was designed by CIMMYT's
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. It has stood the test of time: while we’ve revised our tagline twice, the logo has not changed at all during our decade-long existence. In the past few years, we’ve playfully donned a fitting cap on it for the festivities of Christmas and the New Year (design on the right by Sandra Morales and Antonio Luna). See this fesity festive version with its working clothes on on our 2014 Christmas card sporting the season’s logo. We temporarily trade farming and crops for festivities and toasts during that season.
More recently, to mark our sunset, another slightly modified version (left) was designed by Brandon Tooke in December 2014. This version marks GCP's transition from 'growth green' in the Programme's eastablishment and operational phase, to 'harvest gold' in its closing and concluding stages.
This modified logo was primarily for use on the Sunset Blog which carries GCP's closing communications.
Our artwork
Rhoda Okono (Kenya) has been sketching since she was a kid. The banner on our website is a recomposition of various pieces of her artwork. The bulk of her artwork in this gallery was done during her gap year, and while pursuing a BA in Journalism. Rhoda provides her commissioned and 'freeflow' artwork encompassing all of GCP’s crops for GCP’s exclusive use free of charge (for which we heartily thank her!), but retains the copyright on all her works. The concession to GCP on her work is not transferrable to a thrid party. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Durga Bernhard (USA) is a professional artist from whom GCP has purchased limited rights for the use of her stock artwork, which spans various themes. GCP's purchase is not transferrable to a third party. To see and learn more, please visit Durga Bernhard’s website.