GCP's sunset – Taskforce

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b-tf-members-squareThe Taskforce was constituted in June 2012 as part of a transition plan approved by the Executive Board at its meeting in March that year, and later endorsed by the Consortium Committee in April. The Taskforce comprised of representatives of the Executive Board, the GCP Consortium Committee, the CGIAR Consortium Office, and reinforced with external consultants. The role of the Taskforce was primarily to guide identifying the various research and service products over the Programme's 10-year lifespan, and the possibilities for their post-GCP positioning to assure continued availability, sustainability and impact.

Terms of reference


 Vivienne Anthony

Vivienne Anthony, Syngenta Foundation


Andrew Bennett, GCP Executive Board (EB) Chair


Stefania Grando, CGIAR Consoritum Office

Dave Hoisington

Dave Hoisington, GCP Consortium Committee Independent Chair/University of Georgia, USA

Jura w

Jurandir Magalhães, EMBRAPA


John O’Toole, Consultant


Markus Palenberg, EB member


Jean-Marcel Ribaut, GCP Director

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