Capacity-building Corner


Here you can find information about GCP training events, fellowship and grant opportunities, and other human resource development activities in the fields of plant genetic resources, genomics, and molecular breeding. The Capacity-building Corner is sponsored by Subprogramme 5 of the Generation Challenge Programme: Capacity-Building and Enabling Delivery.


The Generation Challenge Programme (GCP) coordinates and supports various workshops and training courses on GCP-related topics related Here, you will find various resources from those courses for individual use or for class settings. You are warmly invited to freely use and/or print any of these materials for educational or other non-commercial purposes without prior permission, provided due credit is attributed. Any other use requires the permission of the course organiser(s). The resources are organised as follows:

  •  The GCP Molecular Marker Toolkit aims to provide easy and unlimited access to existing information on molecular markers used in breeding programmes. This Toolbox is primarily developed for biotechnologists and plant breeders in developing countries who currently have limited access to up-to-date information from present day sources.
  • GCP learning materials span several subjects (eg, policies, genomics, etc), and are directly organised by Subprogramme 5 (SP5) through workshops or commissioned work at Subrogramme (SP5) level. 
  • Workshop resources: Here, you will find a useful guide for organising GCP workshops, as well as materials from Subprogramme 5 workshops and project-level workshops
Services & Tools
  • Helpdesks
  • GCP toolbox for product delivery
  • Support Services

 Platforms & Networks

Feature Story

GCP launches communities of practice
June 2011

The first half of 2011 has been community season at GCP.

Comprehensive discussions on the formation, expansion and management of communities of practice (CoPs) were held In February following a data management workshop held for GCP researchers in West Africa at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) headquarters at Ibadan, Nigeria.

The CoP for chickpeas was launched at the 4th Tropical Legumes I annual project meeting in Madrid, Spain, at the beginning of May 2011. It is to be coordinated by Dr Pooran Gaur (ICRISAT) and mentored by Dr Teresa Millán (Universidad de Cordoba), and will initially bring together chickpea breeders and researchers from Algeria, Ethiopia, India and Kenya.

A joint CoP for cowpeas and soya beans was launched at the Tropical Legumes II annual project meeting at IITA in mid-May 2011, with the pioneer membership drawn from Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Kenya, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Tanzania, and USA. The CoP will be coordinated by Dr Ousmane Boukar (IITA) and mentored by Dr Jeff Ehlers (University of California-Riverside).



What's new in GCP's Capacity-building Corner
  • GCP's concept on communities of practice (CoPs)-- brochure
  • Introduction to CoPs (slides in PDF, 6.58 MB)
  • CoP workshop, Hyderabad, September 2011--
  • list of particpants
  • presentation by Liz Cornish (TRG) (slides in PDF, 1.98 MB)
  • Winners of the 3rd GSS call