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sunset-taskforceGCP’s Sunset Stories

This blog is a collection of stories taking stock of the achievements and legacy of the Generation Challenge Programme (GCP), which operated from 2004 to 2014, in building partnerships in modern crop breeding for food security. It takes us on a tour of the world, tasting a mouth-watering variety of crops along the way. For more read our introductory post on Why this blog?


These cross-cutting stories discuss selected underlying themes of GCP’s work and correspond to some of our 2012 ‘big-picture’ Position Papers.

Photo: S Kilungu/CCAFS

Harvesting sorghum in Kenya.

Core crops

These are stories about the nine crops that formed part of GCP’s research remit throughout its ten years, during both Phase I and Phase II – plus the story of our comparative genomics research seeking similar genes across crops.

Phase I crops

Here we explore a few of the additional crops that GCP worked on during its Phase I, providing a valuable boost to genetic research and breeding.

Photo: CSISA

A rice farmer in Bihar, India.


Here we tell the stories of a few of our research champions – some of the many superstars of the GCP family.


These stories tell the tales of a small selection of GCP’s partnerships with a range of different institutions around the world.

Photo: N Palmer/CIAT

A farmer tends her cassava field in northern Tanzania.

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