Comparative Genomics InfoCentre


Maize facts & figures
(IBP website)
Information & genomics
(IBP website)


Rice facts & figures
(IBP website)
Information & genomics
(IBP website)


Sorghum facts & figures
(IBP website)
Information & genomics
(IBP website)

Agricultural Genomics Network (AGN)

hosted on the IBP website, with a discussion forum on LinkedIn           

Main objectives:

  1. Develop a community to discuss advances in genomics and provide critical appraisal of genomic technologies, tools and approaches
  2. Develop a portal that will present the information on tools, resources developed by GCP or available in the public domain either by hosting some of them, or by providing links to other existing databases and portals, and
  3. Broker access to economically priced large scale sequencing, construction of variety of (BAC, cDNA, fosmid) libraries, physical mapping, sequencing and re-sequencing, etc, provided by third-party service providers.
Products Please remember to 'shop' for genomic resources through our Product Catalogue